Listening Comprehension (random)

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绘画 促进 大脑 发育 +
Huìhuà cùjìn dànǎo fāyù.
Drawing can promote brain development. +

我们 着眼于 我们 共同 利益 各自 利益 +
Wǒmen yīnggāi zháoyǎnyú wǒmen de gòngtóng lìyì,bùnéng zhǐ wèi gèzì de lìyì ér yǐngxiǎng gòngtóng shìchǎng de fāzhǎn。
We should focus on our common interests rather than sacrificing the development of the common market for individual interests. +

like: development
development sự trưởng thành