Listening Comprehension (random)

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chân + leg

chán chạn chăn chẵn chắn chân chần chẩn chận
like: chần
to souse (liquid food) on rice chan
(1) to have a lot of, plenty of
(2) to be sick of, tired of; dull, boring, uninteresting
(1) foot, leg; member
(2) true, sincere, real, honest
(1) blanket
(2) to herd
larder, pantry, cupboard chạn
(1) to shake
(2) to encourage, organize
(3) fourth trigram
to immerse in boiling water chần
(1) to examine, treat
(2) to help (the needy)
to block, bar, obstruct chận
to halt, stop chắn
cannibal, man eater, ogre chằn
blocking; to block, stop chặn