Listening Comprehension (random)

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Show me the answer for sentence # 841

cam + orange cấm + to prohibit

cam cảm cám căm cằm cặm câm cầm cẩm cấm
like: cẳm
(1) to resign oneself to
(2) orange
(3) sweet, pleasant
(1) to feel, move, affect
(2) bran
mute, unable to speak; to be quiet, shut up, hold one’s tongue câm
(1) to bear, hold a grudge
(2) spoke (of a wheel)
trap cạm
(1) to catch cold, have a cold
(2) to feel, feeling
(3) to dare
to forbid, prohibit, ban; no ~, do not ~ (on signs, etc.) cấm
(1) to hold, take hold of, arrest, capture
(2) to pawn
(3) guitar, lute, musical instrument
(4) bird
(1) police officer
(2) elegant, flowery
(3) brocade
to plant, pitch cắm
chin cằm
chin cẳm
to fix, plant cặm