Listening Comprehension (random)

Click here to listen to sentence # 710

Show me the answer for sentence # 710

be bẻ bẽ bẹ bề bể bễ bế bệ
like: bé
(1) flask, small wine bottle
(2) to bleat
(1) party, faction, band, group, circle, gang, society, alliance
(2) raft, float

little, small, tiny, young (before the name of a child)
(1) calf, baby cow
(2) to carry with both hands
(3) disorderly

ocrea-maize, Indian corn; spathe (of areca palm leaf) bẹ
(1) to criticize
(2) to bend, break, pick (fruit), fold, pin
to lose face, be ashamed bẽ
(1) to carry in one’s arms (a child), pick up
(2) close
(1) dimension, side, edge, rim, border
(2) sea, tank
(1) broken (glass, pottery etc.)
(2) sea, ocean, tank, cistern
bellows bễ
platform, pedestal, dais, throne bệ