Listening Comprehension (random)

Click here to listen to sentence # 1367

Show me the answer for sentence # 1367

bố + father bộ + set (classifier)

bỏ bọ bồ bổ bố bộ bờ bở bợ
like: Bồ
(1) cow, bull, ox
(2) to crawl, creep

to tie (in a bunch), bundle; bundle, bunch
(1) old man, elder
(2) bed pan, chamber pot

(1) worthwhile
(2) old servant

(1) butter
(2) shameless; to ignore
(3) helpless

insect, bug, flea, worm bọ
(1) to leave, quit, abandon (a policy), drop, divorce
(2) to insert, put, invest (into)
(1) father; chap, fellow, guy, buddy
(2) to terrorize
(3) to spread, disseminate, publish
(4) cloth
(1) friend, pal, chum; close
(2) basket
(3) reed, rush
(1) to hit, split, cleave, open (a fruit)
(2) nutritious, nourishing
(3) to add, complement, supplement
(4) to appoint, name
(1) section, part department, ministry
(2) gear, part, device
(3) radical (of a Chinese character)
(4) collection, set, pack (cards), suit (clothes)
(5) appearance, mean, behavior, bearing
(6) step, pace
(7) [CL for laws]
(8) land
(9) foot
(10) re
hello, hi, hey bớ
shore, bank, fence, rim, edge, border, limit, side bờ
(1) crumbly
(2) gainful, profitable
to be shameless, flatter bợ