Listening Comprehension (random)

Click here to listen to sentence # 483

Show me the answer for sentence # 483

đo + measure đó + that, those

đo đò đỏ đó đọ đồ đổ đỗ đố độ đờ đỡ đợ
like: Đo
to measure, survey, gauge đo
ferry đò
that, those, there, that đó
dollar đô
to compare đọ
red đỏ
to challenge, pass (an exam) đố
(1) scholar, disciple
(2) thing, article, item
(3) derogatory form of address
to pour, spill (out), empty đổ
to stop, park (vehicle); to pass an examination đỗ
(1) about, approximately, around (a time)
(2) degree, measure
dumbfounded đớ
motionless đờ
to help, assist (by assuming burden), parry, ward off, turn aside, prop, hold up, relieve đỡ
to pledge đợ