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Oxford Topics


to cut, reduce, chop cắt
OXF3000: cắt cut Body and appearance Describing hair
OXF3000: cắt cut Body and appearance Describing hair
OXF3000: cắt cut Clothes and fashion The fashion world
OXF3000: cắt cut Culture Making films
OXF3000: cắt cut Culture Making films
OXF3000: cắt cut Culture Making films
OXF3000: cắt cut Culture Showing films
OXF3000: cắt cut Culture Producing music
OXF3000: cắt cut Food and drink Preparing food
OXF3000: cắt cut Food and drink Meat
OXF3000: cắt cut Health Injuries
OXF3000: cắt cut Health Injuries
OXF3000: cắt cut Health Addiction
OXF3000: cắt cut Technology Using a computer

OXF3000: cắt cut