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Oxford Topics


worship hương đăng
worship thờ tự
worship việc thờ cúng
worship việc thờ phượng
Place of worship Kultstätte < 1
Worshiper Anbeter < 10.35 Wunsch
worship anbeten < 10.35 Wunsch
Worship Anbetung < 10.52 Liebe
worshiped angebetet < 10.52 Liebe
worship verehren < 10.52 Liebe
Worship Verehrung < 15.22 Achtung
Ancestor worship Ahnenkult < 22.2 Ketzerei, Heidentum
Worship Gottesdienst < 22.12 Gebet, Frömmigkeit

OXF3000: tôn sùng worship
worship Personality and emotio Love
worship Religion and politics Religious ceremonies