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Oxford Topics


OXF3000: vốn capital Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: phạm commit Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: trừng trị punishment Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: tổn thất damage Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: kỷ luật discipline Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: tốt fine Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: tốt fine Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: tự do free Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: treo hang Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: đời sống life Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: nhà tù prison Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: trừng trị punishment Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: câu văn sentence Crime and law Types of punishment
OXF3000: đi bộ walk Crime and law Types of punishment

bail Crime and law Types of punishment
banish Crime and law Types of punishment
banishment Crime and law Types of punishment
capital Crime and law Types of punishment
commit Crime and law Types of punishment
committal Crime and law Types of punishment
community service Crime and law Types of punishment
commutable Crime and law Types of punishment
condemn Crime and law Types of punishment
confinement Crime and law Types of punishment
confiscate Crime and law Types of punishment
corporal Crime and law Types of punishment
punishment Crime and law Types of punishment
custodial Crime and law Types of punishment
damage Crime and law Types of punishment
discipline Crime and law Types of punishment
execute Crime and law Types of punishment
execution Crime and law Types of punishment
exile Crime and law Types of punishment
fine Crime and law Types of punishment
fine Crime and law Types of punishment
firing squad Crime and law Types of punishment
forfeit Crime and law Types of punishment
free Crime and law Types of punishment
gas chamber Crime and law Types of punishment
guillotine Crime and law Types of punishment
hang Crime and law Types of punishment
house arrest Crime and law Types of punishment
life Crime and law Types of punishment
life sentence Crime and law Types of punishment
pardon Crime and law Types of punishment
penalize Crime and law Types of punishment
penalty Crime and law Types of punishment
perdition Crime and law Types of punishment
prison Crime and law Types of punishment
probation Crime and law Types of punishment
punishment Crime and law Types of punishment
remit Crime and law Types of punishment
reprieve Crime and law Types of punishment
restraining order Crime and law Types of punishment
retribution Crime and law Types of punishment
sanction Crime and law Types of punishment
scot-free Crime and law Types of punishment
sentence Crime and law Types of punishment
solitary confinement Crime and law Types of punishment
suspended sentence Crime and law Types of punishment
walk Crime and law Types of punishment