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Oxford Topics


OXF3000: đen black Culture Types of film
OXF3000: cổ điển classic Culture Types of film
OXF3000: hài kịch comedy Culture Types of film
OXF3000: kịch drama Culture Types of film
OXF3000: rùng rợn horror Culture Types of film
OXF3000: huyền bí mystery Culture Types of film
OXF3000: ngắn short Culture Types of film
OXF3000: im lặng silent Culture Types of film
OXF3000: Tây western Culture Types of film
OXF3000: trắng white Culture Types of film

action movie Culture Types of film
adaptation Culture Types of film
animation Culture Types of film
anime Culture Types of film
biopic Culture Types of film
black Culture Types of film
blockbuster Culture Types of film
B-movie Culture Types of film
bodice-ripper Culture Types of film
Bollywood Culture Types of film
buddy movie Culture Types of film
cartoon Culture Types of film
chick flick Culture Types of film
classic Culture Types of film
cliffhanger Culture Types of film
comedy Culture Types of film
costume drama Culture Types of film
director’s cut Culture Types of film
drama Culture Types of film
epic Culture Types of film
feature Culture Types of film
feature film Culture Types of film
film noir Culture Types of film
Hollywood Culture Types of film
horror Culture Types of film
melodrama Culture Types of film
motion picture Culture Types of film
mystery Culture Types of film
new wave Culture Types of film
period piece Culture Types of film
prequel Culture Types of film
psychodrama Culture Types of film
remake Culture Types of film
road movie Culture Types of film
science fiction Culture Types of film
sequel Culture Types of film
short Culture Types of film
silent Culture Types of film
slasher Culture Types of film
spaghetti western Culture Types of film
spin-off Culture Types of film
spoof Culture Types of film
talkie Culture Types of film
tear-jerker Culture Types of film
telefilm Culture Types of film
thriller Culture Types of film
weepy Culture Types of film
western Culture Types of film
white Culture Types of film