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OXF3000: nổi lên arise War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: dân sự civil War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: chứng minh demonstrate War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: đình công strike War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: Công nghiệp industrial War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: hành động action War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: Tháng ba march War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: hành khúc march War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: Tháng ba march War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: hành khúc march War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: sự vận động movement War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: phản đối protest War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: phản đối protest War and conflict Protest
OXF3000: đình công strike War and conflict Protest

agitation War and conflict Protest
agitator War and conflict Protest
arise War and conflict Protest
civil War and conflict Protest
disobedience War and conflict Protest
demonstrate War and conflict Protest
demonstration War and conflict Protest
demonstrator War and conflict Protest
go-slow War and conflict Protest
hunger War and conflict Protest
strike War and conflict Protest
industrial War and conflict Protest
action War and conflict Protest
march War and conflict Protest
march War and conflict Protest
movement War and conflict Protest
non-cooperation War and conflict Protest
outcry War and conflict Protest
picket War and conflict Protest
picketing War and conflict Protest
placard War and conflict Protest
protest War and conflict Protest
protest War and conflict Protest
protester War and conflict Protest
rebellion War and conflict Protest
remonstrance War and conflict Protest
remonstrate War and conflict Protest
revolt War and conflict Protest
revolt War and conflict Protest
riot War and conflict Protest
riot War and conflict Protest
rising War and conflict Protest
sabotage War and conflict Protest
saboteur War and conflict Protest
sit-in War and conflict Protest
slowdown War and conflict Protest
stoppage War and conflict Protest
strike War and conflict Protest
unrest War and conflict Protest
uprising War and conflict Protest