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OXF3000: đào dig Houses and buildings Gardening
OXF3000: nĩa fork Houses and buildings Gardening
OXF3000: vườn garden Houses and buildings Gardening
OXF3000: tốc độ pace Houses and buildings Gardening
OXF3000: cây plant Houses and buildings Gardening
OXF3000: nồi pot Houses and buildings Gardening
OXF3000: nước water Houses and buildings Gardening

allotment Houses and buildings Gardening
cane Houses and buildings Gardening
compost Houses and buildings Gardening
compost Houses and buildings Gardening
cut back Houses and buildings Gardening
cut down Houses and buildings Gardening
dig Houses and buildings Gardening
fertilizer Houses and buildings Gardening
fork Houses and buildings Gardening
garden Houses and buildings Gardening
greenhouse Houses and buildings Gardening
growbag Houses and buildings Gardening
hoe Houses and buildings Gardening
hoe Houses and buildings Gardening
hose Houses and buildings Gardening
humus Houses and buildings Gardening
lawnmower Houses and buildings Gardening
manure Houses and buildings Gardening
manure Houses and buildings Gardening
mow Houses and buildings Gardening
mow down Houses and buildings Gardening
mulch Houses and buildings Gardening
mulch Houses and buildings Gardening
pace Houses and buildings Gardening
peat Houses and buildings Gardening
plant Houses and buildings Gardening
pot Houses and buildings Gardening
prune Houses and buildings Gardening
rake Houses and buildings Gardening
rake Houses and buildings Gardening
secateurs Houses and buildings Gardening
seedbed Houses and buildings Gardening
shears Houses and buildings Gardening
shovel Houses and buildings Gardening
shovel Houses and buildings Gardening
slug Houses and buildings Gardening
snail Houses and buildings Gardening
sow Houses and buildings Gardening
spade Houses and buildings Gardening
sprinkler Houses and buildings Gardening
Strimmer™ Houses and buildings Gardening
trim Houses and buildings Gardening
trowel Houses and buildings Gardening
water Houses and buildings Gardening
watering can Houses and buildings Gardening
weed Houses and buildings Gardening
weed Houses and buildings Gardening
wheelbarrow Houses and buildings Gardening