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Oxford Topics


executive chấp pháp
Executive suite Chefetage < 3.32 Oben
Executive Führungskraft < 3.36 Ordnung
Executive Kader < 15.11 Genossenschaft
Chief Executive Verwaltungschef < 15.74 Führung, Chef
Executive Director Verwaltungsdirektor < 15.74 Führung, Chef
District Executive Bezirksvorstand < 15.74 Führung, Chef
Executive Director Exekutivdirektor < 15.74 Führung, Chef
Executive Vice President Bereichsvorstand < 15.74 Führung, Chef
Professional Executive Profikader < 17.9 Mannschaftssport
Executive Exekutive < 18.4 Politik
Federal Executive Board Member Bundesvorstandsmitglied < 18.6 Politiker
Federal Executive Bundesvorstand < 18.6 Politiker
Group Executive Board Fraktionsvorstand < 18.6 Politiker
State Executive Committee Landesvorstand < 18.7 Partei
District Executive Kreisvorstand < 18.10 Verwaltungsbehörde
Corporate executives Konzernlenker < 20.40 Unternehmen
Corporate Executive Board Unternehmensvorstand < 20.40 Unternehmen
Corporate Executive Board Konzernleitung < 20.40 Unternehmen

executive Business Business people
executive Business Running a business
executive Business Running a business
executive Religion and politics Parliament
executive Religion and politics Political views and systems
executive Work Job titles
executive Work Job titles