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OXF3000: bắt đầu beginning Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: nhân vật character Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: phần kết luận conclusion Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: miêu tả description Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: đầu end Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: cuối ending Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: anh hùng hero Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: thông điệp message Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: luân lý moral Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: đoạn văn passage Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: âm mưu plot Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: sân khấu scene Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: sức ép tension Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: chủ đề theme Culture Elements of a story
OXF3000: xoắn twist Culture Elements of a story

antagonist Culture Elements of a story
anti-hero Culture Elements of a story
backstory Culture Elements of a story
beginning Culture Elements of a story
character Culture Elements of a story
characterization Culture Elements of a story
conclusion Culture Elements of a story
description Culture Elements of a story
dialogue Culture Elements of a story
direct speech Culture Elements of a story
end Culture Elements of a story
ending Culture Elements of a story
episode Culture Elements of a story
the first person Culture Elements of a story
hero Culture Elements of a story
heroine Culture Elements of a story
indirect speech Culture Elements of a story
leitmotif Culture Elements of a story
message Culture Elements of a story
moral Culture Elements of a story
motif Culture Elements of a story
narration Culture Elements of a story
narrative Culture Elements of a story
narrator Culture Elements of a story
passage Culture Elements of a story
plot Culture Elements of a story
prose Culture Elements of a story
protagonist Culture Elements of a story
scene Culture Elements of a story
the second person Culture Elements of a story
setting Culture Elements of a story
storyline Culture Elements of a story
subplot Culture Elements of a story
tension Culture Elements of a story
theme Culture Elements of a story
the third person Culture Elements of a story
twist Culture Elements of a story