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Oxford Topics


OXF3000: cổ đại ancient Houses and buildings Describing architecture
OXF3000: thủ công craft Houses and buildings Describing architecture
OXF3000: bảo tồn preserve Houses and buildings Describing architecture
OXF3000: khôi phục restore Houses and buildings Describing architecture
OXF3000: cát sand Houses and buildings Describing architecture
OXF3000: niêm phong seal Houses and buildings Describing architecture
OXF3000: dải strip Houses and buildings Describing architecture

ancient Houses and buildings Describing architecture
arched Houses and buildings Describing architecture
architecture Houses and buildings Describing architecture
carve Houses and buildings Describing architecture
chisel Houses and buildings Describing architecture
craft Houses and buildings Describing architecture
craftsman Houses and buildings Describing architecture
excavate Houses and buildings Describing architecture
hew Houses and buildings Describing architecture
inlay Houses and buildings Describing architecture
inlay Houses and buildings Describing architecture
inscribe Houses and buildings Describing architecture
inscription Houses and buildings Describing architecture
plaster Houses and buildings Describing architecture
plaster Houses and buildings Describing architecture
preserve Houses and buildings Describing architecture
restore Houses and buildings Describing architecture
sand Houses and buildings Describing architecture
seal Houses and buildings Describing architecture
strip Houses and buildings Describing architecture
stucco Houses and buildings Describing architecture
taper Houses and buildings Describing architecture
varnish Houses and buildings Describing architecture
vaulted Houses and buildings Describing architecture