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Oxford Topics


OXF3000: khối block Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: hội đồng quản trị board Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: gạch brick Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: nổ burst Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: sập collapse Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: bê tông concrete Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: bê tông concrete Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: xây dựng construct Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: xây dựng construction Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: thiết kế design Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: thiết kế design Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: phát triển development Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: nền tảng foundation Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: khung frame Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: trình độ level Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: kế hoạch plan Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: lập kế hoạch planning Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: sự cho phép permission Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: cơ sở premises Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: bất động sản property Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: nơi site Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: đá stone Houses and buildings Construction
OXF3000: cấu trúc structure Houses and buildings Construction

asbestos Houses and buildings Construction
batten Houses and buildings Construction
block Houses and buildings Construction
blueprint Houses and buildings Construction
board Houses and buildings Construction
breeze block Houses and buildings Construction
brick Houses and buildings Construction
brownfield Houses and buildings Construction
bulldozer Houses and buildings Construction
burst Houses and buildings Construction
cement Houses and buildings Construction
civil engineering Houses and buildings Construction
collapse Houses and buildings Construction
concrete Houses and buildings Construction
concrete Houses and buildings Construction
construct Houses and buildings Construction
construction Houses and buildings Construction
conversion Houses and buildings Construction
crane Houses and buildings Construction
demolish Houses and buildings Construction
design Houses and buildings Construction
design Houses and buildings Construction
development Houses and buildings Construction
elevation Houses and buildings Construction
erect Houses and buildings Construction
extension Houses and buildings Construction
exterior Houses and buildings Construction
exterior Houses and buildings Construction
foundation Houses and buildings Construction
frame Houses and buildings Construction
girder Houses and buildings Construction
glaze Houses and buildings Construction
ground plan Houses and buildings Construction
gut Houses and buildings Construction
hard hat Houses and buildings Construction
hod Houses and buildings Construction
infest Houses and buildings Construction
joist Houses and buildings Construction
knock down Houses and buildings Construction
knock together Houses and buildings Construction
ladder Houses and buildings Construction
level Houses and buildings Construction
marble Houses and buildings Construction
masonry Houses and buildings Construction
mortar Houses and buildings Construction
pipework Houses and buildings Construction
plan Houses and buildings Construction
planning Houses and buildings Construction
permission Houses and buildings Construction
plaster Houses and buildings Construction
plaster Houses and buildings Construction
plumbing Houses and buildings Construction
premises Houses and buildings Construction
property Houses and buildings Construction
pull down Houses and buildings Construction
raze Houses and buildings Construction
rebuild Houses and buildings Construction
reconstruct Houses and buildings Construction
reconstruction Houses and buildings Construction
redevelop Houses and buildings Construction
reinforce Houses and buildings Construction
render Houses and buildings Construction
renovate Houses and buildings Construction
rewire Houses and buildings Construction
roofing Houses and buildings Construction
rubble Houses and buildings Construction
sandbag Houses and buildings Construction
scaffolding Houses and buildings Construction
site Houses and buildings Construction
stone Houses and buildings Construction
structure Houses and buildings Construction
subsidence Houses and buildings Construction
thatch Houses and buildings Construction
tile Houses and buildings Construction
tile Houses and buildings Construction
timber Houses and buildings Construction
wasteland Houses and buildings Construction
wrecking ball Houses and buildings Construction