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Oxford Topics


Bond Anleihe < 5.18 Nachahmen
Vagabond Vagabund < 8.6 Reise zu Land
Bondage Gebundenheit < 9.3 Unfreiwillig
Bondage Knechtschaft < 9.3 Unfreiwillig
Bondage Unfreiheit < 9.3 Unfreiwillig
Double bond Doppelbindung < 13.19 Chemie
Bond Obligation < 15.15 Versprechen
Bondage Hörigkeit < 18.18 Dienstbarkeit
Savings bond Sparbrief < 20.35 Bankwesen
Federal bond Bundesanleihe < 20.36 Wertpapier
Federal Bonds Bundesobligationen < 20.36 Wertpapier
Government bond Staatsanleihe < 20.36 Wertpapier
Bond Market Anleihemarkt < 20.36 Wertpapier
Bond dealers Rentenhändler < 20.36 Wertpapier
Bond broker Rentenmakler < 20.36 Wertpapier

bond Business Economy
bond Crime and law Legal documents
bond Family and life stages Friends
bond Family and life stages Friends
bond Houses and buildings Buying a home
bond Science Materials and properties
bond Science Molecules and matter