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OXF3000: vào enter Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: súng gun Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: búa hammer Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: nhiệt heat Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: nhảy jump Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: đường nhỏ lane Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: chì lead Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: lãnh đạo leader Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: chân leg Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: chiều dài length Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: tốc độ pace Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: tốc độ pace Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: gói pack Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: kỷ lục record Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: người chạy runner Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: bắn shot Leisure Athletics
OXF3000: đường ray track Leisure Athletics

athlete Leisure Athletics
athletics Leisure Athletics
baton Leisure Athletics
bronze medal Leisure Athletics
cross-country Leisure Athletics
dash Leisure Athletics
dead heat Leisure Athletics
discus Leisure Athletics
dope Leisure Athletics
enter Leisure Athletics
field event Leisure Athletics
finishing line Leisure Athletics
front runner Leisure Athletics
gold medal Leisure Athletics
grandstand finish Leisure Athletics
gun Leisure Athletics
hammer Leisure Athletics
heat Leisure Athletics
heptathlon Leisure Athletics
the high jump Leisure Athletics
hurdle Leisure Athletics
hurdler Leisure Athletics
javelin Leisure Athletics
jump Leisure Athletics
lane Leisure Athletics
lead Leisure Athletics
leader Leisure Athletics
leg Leisure Athletics
length Leisure Athletics
the long jump Leisure Athletics
marathon Leisure Athletics
middle-distance Leisure Athletics
Olympic Leisure Athletics
outsider Leisure Athletics
outstrip Leisure Athletics
pace Leisure Athletics
pace Leisure Athletics
pacemaker Leisure Athletics
pack Leisure Athletics
the Paralympics Leisure Athletics
pentathlon Leisure Athletics
photo finish Leisure Athletics
pip Leisure Athletics
the pole vault Leisure Athletics
record Leisure Athletics
record holder Leisure Athletics
relay Leisure Athletics
runner Leisure Athletics
runner-up Leisure Athletics
shot Leisure Athletics
the shot-put Leisure Athletics
silver medal Leisure Athletics
sprint Leisure Athletics
sprint Leisure Athletics
starter Leisure Athletics
starting blocks Leisure Athletics
starting pistol Leisure Athletics
stayer Leisure Athletics
steeplechase Leisure Athletics
steroid Leisure Athletics
stopwatch Leisure Athletics
straggler Leisure Athletics
tetrathlon Leisure Athletics
time trial Leisure Athletics
track Leisure Athletics
track event Leisure Athletics
the triple jump Leisure Athletics
unplaced Leisure Athletics
water jump Leisure Athletics