Beginner Level Advanced Level

Oxford Topics


Universe All < 1.1 Kosmos
Ether Äther < 1.1 Kosmos
Macrocosm Makrokosmos < 1.1 Kosmos
Nature Natur < 1.1 Kosmos
Universe Universum < 1.1 Kosmos
World Welt < 1.1 Kosmos
Universe Weltall < 1.1 Kosmos
Weltgebäude < 1.1 Kosmos
Creation Schöpfung < 1.1 Kosmos
Celestial mechanics Himmelsmechanik < 1.1 Kosmos
Cosmology Kosmologie < 1.1 Kosmos
Matter Materie < 1.1 Kosmos
Background radiation Hintergrundstrahlung < 1.1 Kosmos
Hubble constant Hubblekonstante < 1.1 Kosmos
Radio waves Radiowellen < 1.1 Kosmos
X-rays Röntgenstrahlung < 1.1 Kosmos
Redshift Rotverschiebung < 1.1 Kosmos
Solar wind Sonnenwind < 1.1 Kosmos
Reference Bezugssystem < 1.1 Kosmos
Dilatation Dilatation < 1.1 Kosmos
Proper motion Eigenbewegung < 1.1 Kosmos
Gravitational field Gravitationsfeld < 1.1 Kosmos
Law of Gravitation Gravitationsgesetz < 1.1 Kosmos
Gravitational force Gravitationskraft < 1.1 Kosmos
Speed of light Lichtgeschwindigkeit < 1.1 Kosmos
Mass change Massenänderung < 1.1 Kosmos
Parallel World Parallelwelt < 1.1 Kosmos
Space-time Raumzeit < 1.1 Kosmos
Relativity theory Relativitätstheorie < 1.1 Kosmos
Gravitational field Schwerefeld < 1.1 Kosmos
Weightlessness Schwerelosigkeit < 1.1 Kosmos
Star formation Sternentstehung < 1.1 Kosmos
Hubble telescope Hubbleteleskop < 1.1 Kosmos
Astrophysicist Astrophysiker < 1.1 Kosmos
earthy erdnah < 1.1 Kosmos
cosmic kosmisch < 1.1 Kosmos
weightless schwerelos < 1.1 Kosmos
