这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。 This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.
军功章的获得者们被按级别高低召见──等级最高的官员排在第一位 Recipients of military honors were called in order of precedence梙ighest ranking officers first.
他在那高低不平的地面上才走了几步,就被绊了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。 He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face.
这种费用是根据收入高低滑动折算的. Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income.
她的头发剪得很糟,发梢高低不齐。 Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven.
吉普车很适合在高低不平的路面上行驶. A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain.
汽车在高低不平的砾石路面上颠簸着。 The car bumped on the uneven surface of the gravel road.
字身高低印刷文字从字脚到字面的高度,标准为0。9186英寸(为2。333厘米) The height of type from foot to face, standardized at0.9186 inch(2.333 centimeters).
纬线,纬度圈与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条 Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
链球由重16磅(7。2千克)的金属球和一条长链或木把手组成,人手持链端或把手在田径比赛中将其投远以争高低 A metal ball weighing16 pounds(7.2 kilograms) and having a long wire or wooden handle by which it is thrown for distance in track-and-field competition.