我正在用我新买的煎锅做苹果馅饼。 I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan.
这个魁梧的男人穿着同样的衣服,在他那馅饼盘大小的手里捧着另外一只小猫。 The huge man was wearing the same clothes and carrying another kitten in his pie plate hand.
她吃了两客分量很足的馅饼。 She had two generous helpings of pie.
甜馅由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或白兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅 A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.
他妻子做了一些南瓜馅饼作晚餐。 His wife made some pumpkin pies for supper.