你可得安静点儿了,要不然我没法计算了。 Do keep quiet or you'll throw me out in my calculations.
她在树底下静静地坐着。 She sat very still under the tree.
他该保持安静是有必要的。 It is important that he be quiet.
在外表上她保持着平静,但实际上她生气极了。 She maintained a calm exterior, though really she was furious.
我们都喜欢乡村生活的宁静。 We all like the tranquility of the country life.
听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。 Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.
首都一片平静,然而据报道在别的地方仍有持续的骚乱。 The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
什么也不能推动一个按钟头收费的人,对他的平静的心情来说,时间的消逝是多么甜蜜啊。 Nothing can move a man who is paid by the hour; how sweet the flight of time seem to his calm mind.
她的卧室是这座嘈杂房屋中一个难得的安静之处。 Her bedroom is an oasis of calm in the noisy house.
湖面相当平静。 The surface of the lake is quite still.
当他平静下来时,我开始告诉他实情。 When he quieted down, I began to tell him the truth.
他们都保持肃静。 They all maintained a reverent silence.
我想要朴素而文静的。 I'd like something plain and quiet.
我们喜欢乡村的平静。 We enjoyed the quietness of the country.
无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。 Keep calm, whatever happens.
我喜欢风景画,不喜欢静物画。 I prefer landscape to still life.
没有任何事能扰乱他平静的心绪. Nothing disturbs his equanimity.
他冷静客观地看著她遭受的痛苦. He watched her suffering with clinical detachment.
在战争前那些美好的岁月里,似乎没有任何东西能打破我们平静的生活进程。 It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days.
她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。 She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.
当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。 Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.
让汤姆保持安静。 Ask him to keep quiet.
从我们的窗户里可以看到海湾里平静海水的迷人景色。 We can see a magical view over the calm water of the bay from our window.
静止的目标是最容易瞄准的。 A stationary target is easiest to aim at.
朱丽亚的宁静端庄给人印象很深。 There was something impressive about Julia's quiet dignity.
吴阿姨要我们静一些,随后拧开了电视。 Auntie Wu asked us to be quiet, then turned the television on.
他想起了家乡,想起那沐浴在阳光下的静静的田野和村庄。 He thought of home, of drowsy fields and villages bathed by the sun.
病人安静地躺在内科病房的床上。 The patient lay quietly on his bed in the medical ward.
最好保持冷静。 The best thing is to keep cool.
一大群人耐心地静候着。 A patient throng was waiting in silence.
我们在月光下静静地坐着。 We sat quietly in the moonshine.
月光映在平静的海面上。 The moonlight shone on the calm sea.
等到激动情绪平静下来再说. Wait until all the excitementhas settled.
我们在危险的时候应该保持冷静。 We should keep our composure in danger.
在平静的海面上航行我感到很舒服。 I felt comfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea.
没有任何事干扰村里一向平静的生活. Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village.
那根巨大的分针不动了。我们等来等去,但一点儿动静也没有。 The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened.
波浪平静下来了. The waves stilled.
这些药丸有镇静催眠作用. These pills will relax you and make you sleep.
在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的. It is important to keep/stay calm in an emergency.
愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。 May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.
他在紧急关头十分镇静为此感到骄傲。 He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.
她虽然非常害怕, 但表面上还是显得很镇静. Though badly frightened, she appeared outwardly calm.
他冷静沉着,聚精会神地判断如何打败对手。 He was calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
打破办公室内寂静的,只有空气调节机呼呼的转动声。 Only the whir of the air conditioner broke the silence in the office.
衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验, 就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静. The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.
不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不能安静地集中思考。 The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
我告诫自己要冷静下来。 I told myself to calm down.
哨兵奉命一发现有动静就立即开枪。 The sentry had orders to shoot on sight.
有人在灌木丛里窥视动静. Somebody'slurking in the bushes.
即使周围的人都惊惶不已, 她也总是保持著超然的镇静. Even when those around her panic she always maintains an Olympian calm.
一种正在执行中的程序,是一种活着的实体,能引起事件的发生;而程序是被动的,处于静止状态。 A program in execution, a process is an active entity, which can cause things to occur, as opposed to a program, which is a passive entity.
引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量 A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
房子里面静悄悄的。 It was quiet inside the house.
她性情非常文静. She is possessed of a wonderfully calm temperament.
叫他保持冷静,不要操之过急。 Tell him to keep calm and not to crowd the mourners.
他脸上安详的微笑使我们都冷静下来。 His serene smile calmed all of us down.
观众静得连别针落地的声音也能听见. The audience was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.
我装着没有注意到他已经变得多么沉静了。 I pretended not to notice how quiet he had become.
邻居们请他们安静一些, 可他们还是吵吵闹闹。 The neighbors asked them to stop making a noise, but they kept on.
当你不再仅仅限于文字和静止图片时,网上生活会丰富多彩得多。 Life on-line can be a much richer experience when you aren't restricted to just written words and still pictures.
根据牛顿第一定律,如果不对物体施加力的话,静止物体会一直保持静止。 According to Newton's first law, a body at rest will remain at rest until a force is applied to it.
暴风雨之后是一片沉静。 The storm was succeeded by calm.
时钟鸣响声打破了寂静. The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock.
雷鸣般的掌声打破了寂静。 The stillness was rent by thunderous applause.
故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜。 The story took place in a serene summer night.
演讲结束的时候,房间里寂静无声。 The room was still at the end of the speech.
我丈夫和我都喜欢乡村的宁静生活。 Both my husband and I love the tranquil life in the country.
我的引导者呵,领导着我在光明逝去之前,进到沉静的山谷里去吧。在那里,一生的收获将会成熟为黄金的智慧。 Lead me, my Guide, before the light fades, into the valley of quiet where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom.
他把桨放入水中,搅乱了平静的湖面。 He put his oars in the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.
那是一个宁静、明媚的早晨。 It was a beautiful morning, calm and serene.
泰然自若,沉着不受影响或不尴尬;冷静 Freedom from affectation or embarrassment; composure.
她在危难时总是很冷静、 镇定如常、 泰然自若. She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.
幻灯胶片,电影胶片为静止投影而准备的含有相片、图表或其它图表性东西的一段胶片 A length of film containing photographs, diagrams, or other graphic matter prepared for still projection.
还有,尽管这光芒使人眼花缭乱,但它确实传送了一种我们未曾经历的和无法想象的美和静谧的启示。 And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater that we have known or imagined.