确定,鉴定对效力的正式断言 A formal assertion of validity.
我们将对他带来的矿石做实验鉴定。 We will make an assay of the ore that he brought.
遗嘱检验文件副本经这样检验过的遗嘱的已鉴定过的副本 An authenticated copy of a will so certified.
对原文的分析研究鉴定出作者是莎士比亚. Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.
矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试 A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling.
血缘鉴定血统的联系;来历 A line of descent; derivation.