他向高脚酒杯里倒了一些葡萄酒。 He poured some wine into the goblet.
鸡尾酒杯;鸡尾酒会 A cocktail glass; a cocktail party.
这些酒杯半价出售,因为玉上有瑕疵。 These wine glasses were sold at half price because of blemishes in the jade.
请各位将酒杯斟满, 向新娘、 新郎祝酒! Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!
啤酒瓶底的沉淀物一到瓶颈部位,就不要往外倒啤酒了。此时你的一杯啤酒会金灿灿地发亮,酒泡鼓出酒杯口,而又不会溢出杯外。 As soon as the sediment starts creeping up the shoulder of the bottle, stop pouring. You should now have a glass of star-bright beer with a head(of foam) that stands proud of the glass but does not overflow.