他将被逐步提升。 He will be promoted step by step.
他身体在逐步好起来。 He is getting better by degrees.
我拥护逐步改革的政策. I advocate a policy of gradual reform.
无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广. The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in.
工业现代化分20年逐步实现. The modernization of the industry was phased over a 20-year period.
他觉得自己在逐步走向死亡。 He saw himself dying by inches.
他们将逐步积累起一批内容多样,比例适当的词汇。 Gradually they will build up a varied, well-balanced vocabulary.
这一策略旨在逐步削弱敌人的抵抗力. The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy's resistance.
我逐步构想出小说的情节. The plot for the novel gradually developed in my mind.
条件作用某一对象逐步将渴望的行为和先前无关的刺激因素联系起来的行为改变过程 A process of behavior modification by which a subject comes to associate a desired behavior with a previously unrelated stimulus.