这本杂志登载优秀的小说。 This magazine published excellent stories.
这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。 The maximum load for this lorry is one ton.
他将作为伟大的政治家而载入史册。 He will go down in history as a great statesman.
日记簿用来保存个人经历记载的本子 A book for use in keeping a personal record, as of experiences.
哥伦布按顺序仔细而详尽地记载了他的各次航程。 Columbus kept a careful and detailed chronicle of his voyages.
载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭马上就要发射了。 A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon.
另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。 Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
这辆卡车装载很重。 The truck was heavily loaded.
超载的装载过多的或负担过重的 Loaded or burdened too heavily.
公司记载了另一个销售额增长年。 The company had record another year of increase sale.
今天报纸上登载了总统访问的详尽报道. Today's papers carry full reports of the President's visit.
商人决定用骆驼载运货物穿过沙漠。 The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert.
晨报刊载了这个故事。所有传媒都报道了这次记者招待会 The morning papers carried the story. The press conference was carried by all networks.
就模拟输入而言,使模数转换器不能区别其变化的超范围的绝对电压值。超载值对于正输入和负输入可能不同。 For analog inputs, any absolute voltage value above which the analog-to- digital converter cannot distinguish a change. The overload value can be different for plus and minus inputs.
历史记载历代重要的事件。 History chronicles important events of the past.
惊险故事连载每一集都在悬念中结束的情节剧连载 A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense.
曾有两位年轻人非法侵入了大学网络,创建了一个公告牌,并在上面装入了流行的商业软件,还邀请因特网上的用户下载这些软件包。 Once two lads broke into the university network, created a bulletin board, loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.
装载吨船舶内部容积单位,等于一百立方英尺 A unit of internal capacity of a ship equal to100 cubic feet.
货物船舶、飞机或其它交通工具运载的货物 The freight carried by a ship, an aircraft, or another vehicle.
杂志一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内容的期刊 A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.
生物卫星设计用于运送和搭载人、动物或其他生物的、人造可返回式卫星 An artificial, recoverable satellite that is designed to carry and support humans, animals, or other living organisms.
下次再到一个需要使Shockwave的网站时,Shockwave控制程序就会自动装载并播放电影。 The next time you go to a"Shocked" website, the Shockwave control loads and plays the movie.
匾额,铭碑,饰板被装饰或雕刻的平的薄板、厚板或圆板,用来镶嵌在墙上装饰或安在纪念碑上记载资料 A flat plate, slab, or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information.