她沾湿了一块纸巾,轻轻擦去项链上的灰尘。 She moistened a tissue and gently wiped the dust off the necklace.
他(用手巾)轻轻把脸拍乾. He patted his face dry (with a towel).
有轻轻的敲门声。 There is a light rap at the door.
海浪轻轻地拍打着海岸。 The waves gently lap against the shore.
他轻轻按下手柄。 He pressed lightly on the handle.
婴儿喜欢轻轻呵痒和紧紧拥抱。 Babies like to be tickled and hugged.
蜡烛发出轻轻的毕剥声後就熄灭了. The candle gave a few faint splutters and then went out.
雪花轻轻拍打着窗户。 Snowflakes were patting against the window.
她轻轻地咳了一声好引起我注意。 She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention.
那猫轻轻一跃就够到了树枝. With an easy spring the cat reached the branch.
他用鞭子轻轻抽马. He flicked the horse with his whip/flicked his whip at the horse.