圆的轴线是其直径. The axis of a circle is its diameter.
地球是绕轴旋转的吗? Does the earth rotate on an axis?
再来一轴线我就可以完成这幅刺绣了。 I need one more spool of thread before finishing the embroidery.
轮子是绕轴旋转的. A wheel revolves round/on its axis.
传送带连续的带或链,用以把运动,动力或物品从一个轮子或轴传导或传送到另一个 A continuous band or chain for transferring motion or power or conveying materials from one wheel or shaft to another.
指南针用于确定地理方向的设备,通常包括一个或多个水平安装或悬挂的磁针,可在枢轴上自由活动直到与地球磁场在一条线上 A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.
电影胶片从卷轴滑出缠绕在放映机上了. The film flew off the spool and wound itself round the projector.
(曲轴的)半径曲柄、凸轮或类似机器部件形成的圆的半径 The radius of a circle described by a crank, cam, or similar machine part.