那辆汽车一加速就超越了我. The car accelerated as it overtook me.
那辆卡车超越我的车後, 突然插入我前方的位置. The lorry overtook me and then cut in (on me).
超越职权范围做某事 Go beyond one's duty in doing sth.
人们对这问题的看法超越了他们沿袭至今的政治界限。 Opinion on this issue cuts across traditional political boundaries.
我们超越对手时要目不斜视! All eyes to the front as we pass the other competitors!
最后,如果一个人竟能像《圣经》中的圣保罗那样,肯为了兄弟们的得救甚至甘于忍受神的诅咒;那么他就必定超越了凡人,而且有真正基督徒的品格了。 But above all, if he has St. Paul's perfection, that he would wish to be anathema from Christ, for the salvation of his brethren, it shows much of a divine nature, and a kind of conformity with Christ himself.