我对座次表作了小小的调整。 I've made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan.
那家破产的银行正被法院调查。 The bank of bankruptcy is investigated by the court.
为了收集数据我们发给他们一些调查表。 We gave them some questionnaires for collecting data.
检查者对所有受害者的朋友进行了调查。 The checker made a check on all the victims' friends.
老师从一开始就强调翻译准确性。 The teacher laid emphasis on the precision of the translation from the outset.
我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。 We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English.
音乐学生学习给一个现有的调子配上其他音部,还要学习怎样转成和声调。 Music students learn how to add other parts to add other parts to a given tune, and how to modulate to a related key.
请把面粉和牛奶调至恰当的浓度。 Please mix the flour and milk to the right consistency.
她用毫无表情的声调回答问题,甚至连眼睛都不抬起。 She answered in a flat little voice and didn't even raised her eyes.
当他穿着全套大礼服露面的时候,显得和整个场合很不协调。 He looked rather out of place when he turned up in full ceremonial rig.
小手鼓一种用手敲击的鼓,连结在一起声调和谐的一对中的一个 One of a pair of connected tuned drums that are played by beating with the hands.
这一事故正在调查之中。 The accident is under investigation.
在照相前,他调整了快门。 He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo.
已成立工作组调查该问题. A working party has been set up to look into the problem.
成年地做一种单调工作, 能把活人也做成机器人. Years of doing the same dull job can turn you into a machine.
乐队在给乐器调音。 The orchestra tuned their instruments.
他用低沉的语调说话。 He spoke in sepulchral tones.
这仅仅是调查的开始。 It's only the initiative of the investigation.
她用挖苦的语调和他说话。 She talked with him with sarcastic tones.
我不喜欢我那单调乏味的工作。 I do not like my monotonous work.
卫生当局正调查这件事. The health authorities are investigating the matter.
老是唱反调的人批判地不同意的人 One who critically disagrees.
她已调到附属建筑的办事处去了. She's been shunted off to an office in the annexe.
这个暖气系统有自动化的温度调节系统。 This heating system has an automatic temperature control.
由于目前的价格情况,我方不得不调整报价。 Due to the present price level, we cannot help but adjust our offer.
演讲单调乏味,不久,听众就开始陆续离席了。 The lecture was so dull that soon the audience begin to drop away.
政府对国营和私营部门的就业情况作了一次调查。 The government made an investigation of the employment in the public and private sectors.
中间色,半调色在光线最强处与黑色暗影之间的一种色调或明暗的配合 A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.
秘密的调情动作调情动作,其中一方在桌下偷偷地用脚或腿磨擦对方的腿或脚 The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table.
这次聚会单调乏味。 The party was a dull affair.
法郎的兑换价要调高. The franc is to be revalued.
警察正在调查这件谋杀案。 The police are investigating the murder.
他强调小心驾驶的重要性。 He emphasized the importance of careful driving.
那些年国际事态不很协调。 There was not much harmony in international affairs during those years.
如果你不把煤气调小一点,肉就要焦了。 The meat will scorch if you don't lower the gas.
那样调换他的工作等于是解雇了他。 Changing his job like that is equivalent to giving him the sack.
他未做认真的调查就仓促做出了结论。 He jumped to a conclusion without careful investigation.
政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.
警方正在调查他卷入那桩罪行的可能性。 The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime.
他是个优秀的运动员,他所有的动作都非常协调。 He is an excellent athlete; all his movements are perfectly coordinated.
当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进出口贸易严重失调. The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade.
在音乐家的脑海里,一组稍纵即逝的音符逐渐形成一个曲调。 In the musician's mind a fugitive set of notes began slowly to form into a tune.
部长在公开发表言论时比他在私下批评时的调子要缓和一点儿。 In his public statement the minister toned down his criticisms he had made in private.
大都市外面的生活步调往往是缓慢得多,这在其他国家也是真的那样。 Often life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.
有关方面就我的婚姻状况以及银行存款余额对我进行了详细的调查. I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance.
侦探特别强调细节。 The detective laid great stress on details.
他能感觉到他们对他拙劣作品的讽刺语调。 He could feel their sarcastic tone about his poor work.
藉助卫星可观察到部队的调动. Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite.
这种橙汁饮品不含人工调味料. This orange drink contains no artificial flavourings.
在接受调查的五百家住户中, 40% 有洗碗机. Of the five hundred householders surveyed, 40% had dishwashers.
必须把滥竽充数的科研人员调到其他工作岗位上去。 The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post.
派来调查的警察说,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理给撬开来的。 The policeman who is sent down to examine, says my house has been broken open on the most scientific principle.
据说轮船严重受损,详情正在调查之中,但我方利益已完全保住,请电告伦敦公司。 Steamer report seriously damaged now ascertain particulars however our interest fully protected transmit to London
阿都波一种由海菜及肉或鱼做成的菲律宾菜肴,用咖喱、酱油和香料作调料,佐以米饭 A Philippine dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish seasoned with garlic, soy sauce, and spices and served with rice.
多丽丝在厨房里向外叫道:"换个调儿,行不行?你可意识到,你修窗子时一直在那儿反复地哼同一个调子?" "Change the record, will you? " shouted Doris from the kitchen. "Do you realize you've been whistling the same tune over and over, all the time you've been fixing that window? "
声明一个语气强调的宣告 An emphatic declaration.
调节调节的行为或过程 The act or process of modulating.
她眼中流露出调皮的神情. There was mischief in her eyes.
我们曾请求法院调查。 We made an application to the court for an inquiry.
警方开始调查事故的原因。 The police instituted an inquiry into the cause of the accident.
我仍然弄不清楚你所强调的要点。 I still don't see the point you emphasized.
这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。 This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.
调动或被调动的人,比如转到一个新的学校 One who transfers or is transferred, as to a new school.
眼睛能自动调节以便观看远近不同的景物。 The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances.
客观主义在文学或艺术中对客观物体的强调而并非对情感或思想的强调 An emphasis on objects rather than feelings or thoughts in literature or art.
这首歌曲的曲调悲伤。 The song has plaintive melody.
我们需要多调些坦克到前线. We need to bring up more tanks.
她眼睛里闪烁著调皮的光辉. Her eyes twinkled with mischief.
他的陈述促使他们去调查。 His representation influenced them to investigate.
新帘幕与地毯的颜色非常协调. The new curtains tone in beautifully with the carpet.
窗帘同房间的气氛不协调。 The curtain is not in tune with the atmosphere of the room.
因为气温很高,有大量空调售出。 A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.
她友好的开幕词确定了整个会议的基调。 Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference.
打破办公室内寂静的,只有空气调节机呼呼的转动声。 Only the whir of the air conditioner broke the silence in the office.
植物生长素一种调节多种功能,包括细胞伸长的植物激素 Any of several plant hormones that regulate various functions, including cell elongation.
精神起因一种由心理因素而不是生理因素引起的身体机能失调或疾病 Development of a physical disorder or illness resulting from psychic, rather than physiological, factors.
被调动或迁移的人或物 One who is transferred.
这种新型空调没有噪音。 This new style of air conditioner is noiseless.
新窗帘配那地毯非常谐调. The new curtains are a perfect match for the carpet.
公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。 The company hired a detective to investigate the accident.
警方在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团. Police investigating tax fraud stumbledacross a drugs ring.
你对合唱团毫无益处--你简直唱不成调! You're no use in the choir you cant sing a note!
你有没有听到这次谁要被调动到什么地方? Have you hear anything about who's get transferred to where this time?
那调皮孩子哪儿去了? 我看, 他到哪儿也做不出好事来. Where's that naughty child now? I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is.
不妥协的拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的;不调和的 Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; uncompromising.
调遣为了战略目的而对军队、船只或飞机部署的变化 A change in the location of troops, ships, or aircraft for tactical or strategic purposes.
演讲者常用手或手臂做手势来强调他所说的某些要点。 A speaker often makes gestures with his hands or arms to stress something he is saying.
内分泌学研究身体腺体和激素以及他们之间相关的失调的科学 The study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related disorders.
弹簧铗用来调整或关闭柔软管道的夹子,尤指实验室设备 A clamp used to regulate or close a flexible tube, especially in laboratory apparatus.
导向装置用作指向物或用来调整运动方向或运行的装置,如尺子、调整片或栅栏 A device, such as a ruler, tab, or bar, that serves as an indicator or acts to regulate a motion or operation.
商品促销商品销售的促销,如通过协调生产与销售以及做广告、办展览和制订销售战略 The promotion of merchandise sales, as by coordinating production and marketing and developing advertising, display, and sales strategies.
他给他的汽车装了空调。 He equipped his car with air conditioning.
音调的调整在音调和音高上的变化 Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice.
调停调解争端 Mediation in a dispute.
我想买一台空调。 I want to buy a set of air conditioning.
他女儿是一个调皮的假小子。 His daughter is a saucy tomboy.
她极力强调该计画的好处. She was at pains to stress the benefits of the scheme.
这份调查是真正内行人做的. This survey is the work of a real professional.
更改小小的改变,调正或限制 A small alteration, adjustment, or limitation.
无论如何我也不同他调换地方。 I would not change places with him for all the world.
我们不断进行实验, 直至将所需颜色调配成功. We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right colour.
我们调查证实过了。恐怕我将不得不取消这笔生意,除非您降价。 That has been confirmed by our survey. I'm afraid I'll have to cancel the deal unless you reduce your price.
微调装置精密仪器上被设计用以增进精密校准或测量的一个辅助装置 An auxiliary device designed to facilitate fine adjustments or measurements on precision instruments.
在系统中等待处理的一组或一队列新信息,主调度程序对该队列及其它队列进行扫描,使之顺序进入处理状态。 A queue of new messages(or a group) within a system that are awaiting processing. The main scheduling routine will scan them along with other queues and order them into processing in order.
为钢琴调音需要专门技能。 It takes skill to tune a piano.
主席一直以沉闷的语调讲了几小时. The chairman droned on for hours.
他已由仓库调到会计室任职. He has transferredfrom the warehouse to the accounts office.
把九号车床调好来车这个新活塞。 Get lathe No.9 set to turn the new piston.
她讲话中一再强调的就是需要削减开支. The leitmotiv of her speech was the need to reduce expenditure.
请遵守我们的协议,给我们调换损坏的货物。 Please honor our arrangement by exchanging the damaged goods.
有组织的在正式结构中起作用的,如在活动的协调和指导中 Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities.
垫版印刷过程中的一个准备步骤,即通过调理和平整版面以确保印刷清晰 The operation of preparing a form for printing by adjusting and leveling the plates to ensure a clear impression.
对计算机程序中的指令序列的检测和记录,例如在监控程序和调试程序中使用的情况。 The detection and recording of the sequencing of instructions in computer programs, for example, as used in monitors and debugging routines.
我曾经警告过他不要调换工作,可如今他被迫在一家亏损公司工作。他这是自作自受。 I warned him not to change his job but now he is forced to work for a company that is losing money. He has made his own bed and now he must lie in it.
既然雇主们同工会领袖无法在直接谈判中达成协议,就指定了一位当地的名律师进行调解。 A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they can't reach an agreement in direct talks.
经过长时间调查后,撤消了对经理失职罪的指控,并免除了他对导致工厂烧毁的失火事故的责任。 After a long inquiry, the Manager was exonerated from the charge of neglect and from any responsibility for the fire that destroyed the factory.
他演奏的曲调全错了. He played the tune all wrong.
这主调接著由笛子合奏. The melody is next taken up by the flutes.
他用笛子吹奏了欢快的曲调。 He played a delightful melody on his flute.
他失踪一事警方正在调查. His disappearance is being looked into by the police.
这小提琴跟钢琴的调子不太和谐. The violin is not quite in tune with the piano.
这个房间是用红色和棕色装饰的暖色调。 The room was furnished in warm reds and browns.
那个孩子不调皮捣蛋简直就受不了. That child seems incapable of keeping out of (ie not getting into) mischief.
风笛的调旋律管其上能弹奏曲调的风笛管 The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played.
事实上,最引不起我兴趣的莫过于烹调了。 Nothing interests me less than cooking, as a matter of fact.
我们的船长下令调整风帆,顺风行驶。 Our captain ordered us to square away and sail before the wind.
要想弄清事实,唯一办法是作周密的调查。 The only way to get at the facts is to make a thorough investigation.
调波一种频率是另一种波频率整数倍的谐波 A wave whose frequency is a whole-number multiple of that of another.
我并非真正主张应该有死刑, 只是故意唱唱反调罢了. I don't really believe in capital punishment, I'm just playing the devil's advocate.
把 1.90 英镑的费用上调为整数 2 英镑, 把 3.10 英镑下调为整数 3 英镑. A charge of 1.90 will be rounded up to 2, and one of 3.10 rounded down to 3.
一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。 A recent survey of public opinion shows that most people are worried about the increasing crime.
简短的旋律一种简短的旋律,和着同一种调子演唱或吟诵一组音节和歌词 A short, simple melody in which a number of syllables or words are sung on or intoned to the same note.
挡板,调节风门一种可调节的薄片,如在熔炉或火炉的通气管中的,用来控制气流 An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft.
政治迫害表面上是开展揭露颠覆的活动,但实际上用于扰乱和削弱持不同看法的人的调查 An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.
哈吉司羊肉一种苏格兰菜,由绵羊或牛切碎的心,肺,肝与板油,洋葱,燕麦片和调味料混合在被屠宰动物的腹中煮熟而成 A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal.
不协调的;不和谐的 Lacking in harmony.
你喜欢不喜欢烹调? Do you go for cooking?
他煽动其他的男孩子调皮捣蛋。 He stirred the other boys to mischief.
肌肉运动的协调;肌肉运动反射 Motor coordination; a motor reflex.
冻鸡应彻底解冻後再烹调. A frozen chicken should be allowed to defrost completely before cooking.
协调,和睦作为一致的状态或性质;调和 The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.
夫妻间应该偶尔(彼此)对调充当的角色. Husband and wife should switch roles (with each other) occasionally.
麦麸由谷糠和营养物质调成的混合物,用以饲养牲畜和家禽 A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl.
仲裁人当调解人无法解决时被指定解决争议的人;仲裁人 A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve; an arbitrator.
调查人员在飞机残骸中搜索, 希望找出造成这一悲惨事件的原因. Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.
基蒂对我们抚育孩子的方式一向吹毛求疵,但是她当了母亲之后,就开始改变她的腔调了。 Kitty used to be very critical of the way we raised our children, but when she became a mother herself she began to change her tune.
时机掌握掌握发生、步伐或协调以达到最理想效果的艺术或操作,如在音乐、戏剧、运动或机构中 The art or operation of regulating occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve the most desirable effects, as in music, the theater, athletics, or mechanics.
有氧健身法旨在增强循环和呼吸功效的生理调节体系,包括有力的、持久的锻炼,例如慢跑、游泳或骑自行车,从而提高肌体对氧气的利用 A system of physical conditioning designed to enhance circulatory and respiratory efficiency that involves vigorous, sustained exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, thereby improving the body's utilization of oxygen.
据悉,在审理戈蒂时,格拉瑟对联邦调查局、检察官、被告律师以及媒体毫不客气。他打了好几通电话给塞申斯,要他必须查出《每日新闻》的消息来源。 Glasser, who rode roughshod over the FBI, prosecutors, defense lawyers and the press during the Gotti trial, made a series of telephone calls to Sessions demanding that the sources for The News story be found, sources said.
在计算机安全学中,一种计算机程序,表面上或实际上有某种有用的功能,而含有附加的(隐藏的)可能利用了调用进程的合法特许来危害系统安全的功能。 In computer security, a computer program with an apparently or actually useful function that contains additional(hidden) functions that surreptitiously exploit the legitimate authorizations of the invoking process to the detriment of security.
不过,任何解决[苏联经济失调]办的法都受到权力危机的影响,在改革与开放,经济与政治之间产生一种自相矛盾僵持不下的情况:任何振兴经济的办法不过煽起民众的忿怒并损及政府威信而已。 Any solution [to Soviet economic malaise], however, is hostage to the crisis of authority, creating a catch-22 stalemate between perestroika and glasnost, between economics and politics: any measure to shore up the economy only fans public anger and reduces the authority of the Government.