我不喜欢读他的文学批评。 I don't like to read his literary criticism.
我认为他对这个问题的评论是不正确的。 I think his commentary on this issue is not correct.
他的行为招致尖锐的批评。 His behavior called forth sharp criticism.
国王拒绝评论选举的结果。 The king refuses to comment on the election results.
这位足球教练受到了当地报纸的批评。 The football coach was criticized by the local paper.
对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。 Continuous assessment is made of all students' work.
别那么敏感,我不是在批评你。 Don't be so sensitive - I was not criticizing you.
他新拍摄的电影确实受到评论家严厉的批评。 His new film was really panned by the critics.
因为我的愚蠢,我不得不站起来听他的批评。 I have to stand up listening to his criticism of my foolishness.
他因未对事故进行汇报而受到委员会的批评。 He was criticized by the committee for failing to report the accident.
这出戏得到很好的评价。 The play was very well reviewed.
批判批判性的评论或判断 A critical comment or judgment.
本身行为不正, 则不宜批评别人. You can ill afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself.
他一方面受到批评,另一方面却受到鼓励。 He has been criticized on one hand and encouraged on the other.
在当前评论风气影响下,她的作品不怎么受欢迎。 In the current critical climate her work is not popular.
部长对此事的处理方法受到新闻界的严厉批评。 The minister was crucified by the press for his handling of the affair.
我认为在这些本来是无关紧要的评论中含有一定的真实性。 I think there is a kernel of truth in these otherwise frivolous comments.
对于历史上的事件,当时的报道往往比现代历史学家的评述更为有趣。 Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.
他们对她的外表横加粗暴的评论。 They made rude remarks about her appearance.
她姿色迷人,因而评委都偏向她。 Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.
这出戏公演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。 When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.
部长在公开发表言论时比他在私下批评时的调子要缓和一点儿。 In his public statement the minister toned down his criticisms he had made in private.
批评家是必然的邪恶,而批评是邪恶的必然。 A critic is a necessary evil, and criticism is an evil necessity.
他的偏袒态度招致了不少批评。 His partial attitude called forth a lot of criticism.
她先表明她非常喜欢这个, 然後批评我方法不当. Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to criticize the way I'd done it.
我对他的功劳评价不很高。 I don't rate his merits very high.
评委会即将宣布优胜者. The jury is/are about to announce the winners.
他的评论把她气得火冒三丈。 She was seething with rage at his remarks.
他的批评者多,而赞美者少。 His critics are many and his admirers (are) few.
他在同事中受到的评价很高。 He is highly estimated among his colleagues.
教师们评我的笔试试卷不及格。 The teachers failed me on the written paper.
编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。 The editor remarked that article was well written.
你不应该当面这么严厉地批评他。 You should not criticize him so harshly in his face.
他对他们的候选人发表了一些有利的评论。 He made several favorable comments about their candidate.
整风就是全党通过批评和自我批评来学习马克思主义。 Rectification means the whole Party studying Marxism through criticism and self-criticism.
在软件产品评价技术中,对特定软件产品进行软件质量度量的活动。 In software product evaluation, the action of applying a software quality metric to a specific software product.
期末考卷已评完分数了. The term papers have been graded.
她是位眼光敏锐的艺术评论家. She is a very discerning art critic.
部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。 The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation.
这些批评意见已修改得缓和些以免得罪人. The criticisms had been watered down so as not to offend anybody.
一位美国大学校长曾经评论说爱因斯坦创立了一种新的观点,即一种新的宇宙观。 An American university president once commented that Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe.
满90分的学生评为甲等. Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A.
批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施, 认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的. Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.
该组竭力想把最新消息和评论糅合在一起,不料发现它们彼皮格格不入。 The team tried hard to mix fresh news and comment only to find they were mixing oil and water.
为了加强数据的保护,防止非法的存取,用于评价计算机系统、存储空间和运行过程完整程度的一种指标。 A term applied to a computer system, spaces, or operating procedures when considering the protection of data from corruption or unauthorized access.
诊断通过评价病人的病史、体检情况和阅读试验数据的方式对人体机能进行检验或对人体引起病痛的原因进行鉴别的行为或过程 The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of laboratory data.
他在会上不点名地批评你。 He talked at you at the meeting.
老师正在评定学生的作业。 The teacher is appraising the students' work.
这种评估是不公平的。 The evaluation is unfair.
重新评估重新估计或评价 A new appraisal or evaluation.
主考者评定半数应试者不及格. The examiners failed half the candidates.
她很崇拜他, 听不进别人对他的批评. She worshipped him and refused to listen to his critics.
我真诚地希望他能接受别人的批评。 I sincerely hope that he can accept the criticism of others.
照片之间夹杂着新闻兴评论的文章。 The photographs are intermingled with news and articles.
这个评估很有道理,可能相当正确。 It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth.
注解,注释,评注评注或注解的行为或过程 The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes.
评估对人及事物的质量,价值,重要性或量的识别 Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things.
他为人诚实,不计较面子,对于别人的批评一点也不在乎。 He has an honest nature and a thick skin, and never cares a bit about other people's criticisms.
他是个经验非常丰富的导演,不至于为批评家们的议论而担心。 He is the director whose experience is very rich, and can't go so far as worried about the comment of critics.
他对批评太敏感。 He is too sensitive to criticism.
评定一本书,不能凭封面。 Judge not a book by its cover.
在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。 In judging him you should consider his youth.
脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目 A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
评论家们认定他的作品为杰作。 The critics hailed his work as a masterpiece.
这位部长慷慨陈词为其政策辩护, 反驳批评他的人. The minister countered his critics with a strong speech defending his policies.
新演员们受到评论界热烈的赞扬,迫使老演员们虚心谨慎,力保桂冠。 Enthusiastic critical acclaim for the newcomers is forcing older actors to look to their laurels.
在克丽丝汀欺骗了他後,比尔评估一下现状。 Bill take stock of the situation after Christine cheat on him.
他批评以前的同事, 并非出於气愤而是为他惋惜. It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague.
他断断续续地同评论家们口诛笔伐,使得肝火旺盛。 He kept the adrenalin flowing with off-and-on feuds with his critics.
解说员在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员 An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.
附注列在一篇文章、一个章节或一本书尾的注解,对文中指定部分做评论或引述参考书 A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
虽然助选团故意贬低她的作用,可是她以她的长才试行州长的想法,挑剔他的理论,评论他的演讲,并且时常指出他竞选作业的弱点并予改正。 Although the campaign plays down her role, she is the talent that test-drives the Governor's ideas, punches holes in his theories, comments on his speeches and often identifies the weak spots in his campaign operation and helps get them corrected.