他的讲话赢得了听众的掌声。 His speech won the applause of the audience.
主席的讲话将向全国广播。 The chairman's speech will be broadcast nationwide.
无疑,他们一定知道这样讲话可能产生的后果。 Certainly they must know the probable result of such speeches.
我一想到要对这样的听众讲话,就有些胆小。 I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience.
这儿不许讲话。 (There must be) No talking in here!
讲话时他经常参考笔记。 He frequently referred to the notes during the course of the talk.
他按照通常的方式讲话. His speech followed the usual pattern.
他起草了一份讲话的概要。 He drew up a brief for his speech.
他的讲话受到热烈的欢迎. His talk met with/was given a warm (ie enthusiastic) reception.
她讨厌他到不和他讲话的程度。 She hates him to the point of not talking to him.
他的讲话文本得加上标点符号. The transcription of his speech must be punctuated.
她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话. She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society.
我插进了几则笑话,把我的讲话拉长了。 I made my speech longer by padding it with a few jokes.
我心情愁闷, 不想和任何人讲话。 I am out of spirits and don't want to speak to anyone.
她用一些尖锐的问题反驳讲话人. She came back at the speaker with some sharp questions.
起先,大厅里挤得满满的,但是他一开始讲话,人们便陆陆续续离去,不一会儿,剩下听他发言的人便寥寥无几了。 At first the hall was full, but people began to trickle out soon after the beginning of his speech, and soon there were very few left to hear the speaker.
他在讲话过程中曾停下三次等待掌声落下. He stopped for applause three times during his speech.
他并没有准备讲话, 但在会议结束时现凑了几句. He hadn't prepared a speech but he managed to string together a few remarks at the end of the meeting.
她在公开场合讲话会羞怯。 She is bashful about speaking in public.
这姑娘太害羞以至和男人讲话时就脸红。 The girl is so shy that she colours up whenever a man speaks to her.
她先为迟到表示歉意, 然後开始讲话. She prefaced her talk with an apology/by apologizing for being late.
主要活动如下: 第一项, 总裁讲话; 第二项, 秘书做解答; 第三项, 主席做总结. The main events were as follows: first, the president's speech, secondly the secretary's reply and thirdly, the chairman's summing-up.
他讲话中时而不自觉地冒出地方方言。 Every now and then he would lapse into the local dialect.
她从容不迫地讲话. She spoke with unruffled calm.
她的讲话不够风趣. Her speeches are rather short on wit.
他这个人, 听他讲话就是极大的乐趣. He is a great joy to listen to.
他讲话感人足以赢得听众同情. His moving speech was enough to carry the audience.
总统的讲话激励国民更加努力. The President's speech impelled the nation to greater efforts.
她的讲话在众议院激起一片抗议声. Her speech threw the House (ie of Commons) into a tumult (of protest).
那发言者讲话结结巴巴的, 有时得由主席提示. The speaker was rather hesitant and had to be prompted occasionally by the chairman.
这位部长在她的讲话中表示不同意对现行法律作任何更改。 In her speech, the Minister came out against any change to the existing law.
这个讲话回避了所有的敏感的问题。 The speech skirted round all the sensitive questions.
她讲话中一再强调的就是需要削减开支. The leitmotiv of her speech was the need to reduce expenditure.
总统在电视讲话中阐明了他的计划。 The president set forth his plans in a television talk.
讲话是分数;沉默是整数。 Speech is fractional; silence is integral.
他停顿了一下然後继续讲话. He paused for a moment, and then continued his speech.
诘问者的嘲笑打断了她的讲话. Hecklers interrupted her speech with jeering.