这个工人因为严格遵守规则而受到了表扬。 The worker was praised for his observance of the rules.
组织这样大规模的聚会要花费许多时间和精力。 The organization of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy.
规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式. A normative grammar of a language describes how its authors think the language should be spoken or written.
这些规定仅适用于儿童。 This regulation refers only to children.
我们应该依照规定行事。 We should act in conformity with the rules.
我们必须遵守这个国家的法规。 We must obey the statutes in this country.
供求规律决定商品的价格. The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.
修道院院长告诉他要遵守规定。 The abbot told him to obey the rules.
他婚后过着合乎道德规范的生活。 He lived a moral life after marriage.
他决定开一间小规模杂货店。 He has decided to open a grocer store in a small way.
他的父亲规定他要用英文写日记。 His father ordered that he (should) keep a diary in English.
我们现在正经历规模空前的失业现象。 We are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale.
她发觉退休后很难建立起新的生活规律。 She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement.
处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。 The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.
行医道德有规定, 禁止医生与病人谈恋爱. Medical ethics (ie those observed by the medical profession) forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient.
她画了一排由近而远高度递减的树以演示透视法的规律. She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective.
他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律嘛. All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule.
他被判阻挡犯规。 He was found guilty of obstruction.
政府将制定法规限制枪支出售。 The government will introduce legislation to restrict the sale of firearms.
他的母亲已经把他训练成循规蹈矩的人。 His mother has trained him to be a very proper young man.
协议中有一条规定, 承租人负担建筑物的修理费. A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall pay for repairs to the building.
他总是小心翼翼地按规章办事。 He's always careful to do things by the book.
董事会决定大规模生产这种汽车。 The board of directors made the decision to produce the car on a large scale.
那些初期的反叛活动只不过是大规模革命行动的演习。 The earlier revolts had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.
破坏,违犯,不履行破坏或违反一法规、法律责任或一誓言 A violation or infraction, as of a law, a legal obligation, or a promise.
日志,日记对于事件、经历及感想的有规律进行的私人记录;日志 A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary.
新法规下月实施. The new law comes into force next month.
一个新规则很快就要出台了。 A new rule will soon come into being.
中国着手进行大规模的改革。 China embark on a massive programme of reform.
按照规定,任何时候均需有人值班。 The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times.
他由于忽视安全操作规程而受到责备。 He was taxed with neglecting the safety regulations.
指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天进行. The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring.
这个公社已开始实施一项重新整治河山的规划。 The commune has embarked on a program of reshaping its hills and rivers.
到目前为止,主席只能提出个大体规划,还不能很具体。 So far, the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.
不合理的规则被废除了。 The unreasonable rules were revoked.
安全驾驶之规则适用于每个人。 The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.
他赛前量体重比规定限度少几磅。 He weighed in at several pounds below the limit.
他因为动作犯规而被裁判记下姓名。 He was booked by the referee for foul play.
根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试. It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam.
根据规定,申请者一律需经笔试。 It is laid down that all applicant must sit a write exam.
宪法规定治理国家的方式方法。 A constitution lays down the manner and means by which a state is governed.
你若是规规矩矩的,老板就可能提拔你。 If you keep your nose clean, the boss might promote you.
合同中规定屋顶要用红瓦而不用石板瓦. The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof.
建筑物建筑物,尤指大规模且外观宏伟的建筑物 A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size.
该委员会的建立不合规定, 因而没有合法的权力. The committee had been improperly constituted, and therefore had no legal power.
这种句法结构不可与按规则变化的被动语态相混淆. This construction should not be confused with the regular passive.
交割失信在股票或抵押品售出后,未能在规定日期内办理交接手续 Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date.
他的脉搏不很规则。 His pulse is not very regular.
董事长用两小时阐述了公司的规划. The chairman expatiated for two hours on his plans for the company.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
孩子们, 规矩些! Children, please behave (yourselves)!
别胡来, 放规矩点! Stop farting around and behave yourself!
刻板的由严格的提纲或概念规定的;刻板的 Marked by sharp outline or definition; stark.
违背违背一项法律、规则或协议;违反 A violation, as of a law, a regulation, or an agreement; a breach.
在去巴林之前我必须先弄懂、熟记阿拉伯人的习惯和规矩。 I must read up on Arab customs before I go to Bahrain.
警方的程序规章定立後, 遗留下许多难以处理的灰色区域. When the rules for police procedure were laid down, a lot of grey areas remained.
牙箍安装在牙齿上的纠正不规则排列的由箍带和钢丝做的牙齿矫正器 A dental appliance, constructed of bands and wires that is fixed to the teeth to correct irregular alignment.
每次使用时,必须先使其中某些部分(诸如地址等)完备起来或详加规定才能运行的一组指令。 A set of instructions in which some parts such as addresses must be completed or specified in detail each time the set is used.
不合规则的用法错误的 Not in correct usage.
提案规定了一年的限期。 The proposal set a time limit of one year.
新的法规已得到国王的批准。 The new law has received the royal assent.
委员会建议著手起草新法规. The committee proposed that new legislation should be drafted.
每一种规则都有例外。 There is no rule but has exceptions. (=There is no rule that doesn't have exceptions.)
新规章对我们大家都会大有好处. The new regulations will be of great benefit to us all.
并非所有外宾均符合入境规定. Not all foreign visitors satisfy/fulfil legal entry requirements.
有规章规定建筑材料的某些标准. Regulations prescribe certain standards for building materials.
他是根据工会章程第23条规则行动的。 He is acting under rule23 of the union constitution.
你应该签个合同使你任职合乎规定手续. You should sign a contract to make your job situation regular.
将数据恢复到先前已知或规定的状态。 The restoration of data to a previously known or defined state.
根据法律规定青年人年满十八岁必须参军。 "According to the law, a young man should enlist when he is18."
明明规格变了,他还不知道,因此经理训了他一顿。 The director chewed him out for not knowing that the specifications had been changed.
厂家已在试验制造,完全符合所要求的规格,可望在两周内完成。 Maker make trial product exactly conform specification expect completion within fortnight.
平面规,测平仪在精密金属加工中用于测定平面表面精度的金属平板 A flat metal plate for gauging the accuracy of a plane surface in precision metalworking.
我告诉孩子们必须遵守家规,要不他们就会失去目前享有的某些自由。 I've told my children they must toe the line with regard to house rules or lose some of the freedom they presently enjoy.
从属地位的人或物组织的从属组成部分,实行必要的但通常是次要的或常规的功能 A subordinate member of an organization who performs necessary but usually minor or routine functions.
老师重申了那条规则。 The teacher reiterates that rule.
这些权利不受新法规的影响。 These rights are unaffected by the new laws.
必须对警方的权限作出明确的规定。 The powers of the police need to be clearly defined.
保险金额此类合同规定的保险的金额或比例 The sum or rate for which such a contract insures something.
大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是一股潮流。 The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.
在编辑语言中,把若干值变换为由给定格式所规定的表示形式。 In programming languages, transforming values to the representations specified by a given format.
一种用于按照严格的过程规则实现的数学和逻辑运算的通用术语。 A generic term for all mathematical and logical operations carried out according to precise rules of procedure.
他的脉搏不规则。 His pulse was unsteady.
条文规定必须由律师拟定此公文。 Regulations prescribe that a lawyer draw up the paper.
新的法规旨在杜绝诈骗行为。 The new regulations are deliberately calculated to make cheating impossible.
心律失常不规则的心跳强度或节奏 An irregularity in the force or rhythm of the heartbeat.
依照常规大臣在这种情况下应该辞职. Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.
归纳法由特殊的事实或例子推理出的普遍性规律的过程 The process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances.
函数两组元素一一对应的规则,第一组中的每个元素在第二组中只有唯一的对应量 A rule of correspondence between two sets such that there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set.
这条规则生效了吗? Is this rule in operation yet?
该项法规具有追溯效力。 The legislation was made retrospective.
新的安全规则何时生效? When do the new safety rules come into force?
巨大的,庞大的规模巨大或大得出奇的;巨大的 Of enormous size or magnitude; huge.
你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗? Can you give me a price list with specification?
大屠杀大规模杀戮,如战争中的大屠杀;屠宰 Massive slaughter, as in war; a massacre.
针对人或财产的民事不规行为称之为“侵权”。 Civil wrong against persons or property is called"torts".
他所执教是一所规模很小的大学, 他想摆脱存在於其中的地方主义桎梏. He wanted to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he taught.
通信双方之间交换信息的格式和相对定时[同步]的一种规范。 A specification for the format and relative timing of information exchanged between communicating parties.
技术规范中叙述了每台设备或全部设备所需的附件、专用工具和消耗件。 Accessories, special tools and expendable required with each unit or totally are described in the technical specification.
用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的一年。这一规模庞大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。 By most measures,1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.