那家破产的银行正被法院调查。 The bank of bankruptcy is investigated by the court.
那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。 The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.
这个决定将被通知给所有直接有关的人。 All those who are immediately involved will be informed of the decision.
她的围巾被油弄脏了。 Her kerchief is dirty with oil.
他被定为一号种子选手。 He was seeded number 1.
这座城市已被敌人占领。 The city is held by the enemy.
他买了一床厚被子过冬。 He bought a heavy quilt for the winter.
道路被一块大石头堵住了。 The road was blocked by a huge rock.
这条裤子被改成了短裤。 This pair of pants was converted into shorts.
石墨常被用来做成铅笔。 Graphite is used in making lead pencils.
偷吃而不被人发现很有趣。 It is fun eating by stealth without being found.
牙被拔掉时,他疼得大叫。 He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.
椅子被倒置过来放在了桌子上。 The chairs were inverted on the table.
学生们都被他的思想吸引住了。 The students were fascinated by his ideas.
您被邀请参观我们的秋季时装展览。 You are invited to view our autumn collection.
把被单好好煮一煮,好让它们白一些。 Give the sheets a good boil to get them white.
这些羊被赶在一起,排成歪歪扭扭的一行。 The sheep were herded into a ragged line.
这幅画被他看中了,所以他就把他买了下来。 The painting took his fancy, so he bought it.
法庭上原告和被告双方都有各自的律师。 Each side of a case in court has its own counsel.
生命可以被比作一次不知目的地的旅行。 Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown destination.
无论在哪一方面他都不能被看作是个好丈夫。 In no respect can he be looked upon as a good husband.
那位著名的进步思想家被邀请在会议上发表演讲。 That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.
空难事件中有些人大难不死被新闻界广泛报导。 The miraculous survival of some people in the air crash was widely reported by the press.
他被罚款200美元。 He was fined 200 dollars.
父辈应当被尊重。 A sire should be respected.
他被一头野猪袭击。 He was attacked by a wild boar.
他被他的老板解雇了。 He was fired by his boss.
如果你再迟到,你将被解雇。 If you are late again, you will be dismissed.
我冒雨出去,结果被淋得湿透了。 I went out in the rain and got wet through.
只留下一些被太阳晒得泛白的枯骨。 There were only a few dry bones left, bleached by the sun.
他被家庭束缚,不能再到处去旅游了。 He was fettered by his family and could not travel any longer.
有些罪犯被释放后有可能重新犯罪。 Some criminals are likely to offend again when they are released.
警察在小偷的家里发现了一些被盗的财物。 The police found some stolen property in the thief's house.
现代神话现代被浪漫化或普遍流行的神话 A romanticized or popularized myth of modern times.
这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。 The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.
我父母发现窗子被打破后,一定会有一番斥责。 There is sure to be a fuss when my parents find the window is broken.
他从巴黎回来,发现他的办公室被别人占了。 He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else's occupation.
关于宇宙起源的新理论被世界上很多著名的天文学家批得体无完肤。 The new theory of the origin of the universe was pulled to pieces by many of the world leading astronomers.
他的眼睛被烟熏痛了。 His eyes smart at the smoke.
他由于偷窃被送入监狱。 He was sent into prison for stealing.
那艘船是被潜水艇毁坏的。 The vessel was ruined by a submarine.
那只骚扰绵羊的狗被杀死了。 The dog that molested the sheep was killed.
她的钱被一个奸诈的会计骗去了。 She was defrauded of her money by a dishonest accountant.
他们低声说话,唯恐被别人听见。 They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.
汤姆每次转身都把被子往他那边再拉一些。 Every time Tom rolled over he pulled more of the bedclothes to his side.
这位将军被誉为领导全国赢得胜利的人。 The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.
那只猫被卡车碾死了。 The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed.
伦敦也被称为现代巴比伦。 London was also called the modern Babylon.
火蜥蜴曾被认为能生活于火中。 Salamanders once were thought to be capable of living in fire.
运动员们离开赛场时,被愤怒的人群推搡着。 The players were jostled by an angry crowd as they left the field.
真不幸,上午我的自行车丢了,下午钱包又被偷了! It's luckless, I lost my bicycle in the morning and my wallet was stolen in the afternoon!
好看的录像带总是被借走。 The good video is always rented out.
昨天下雨了, 结果比赛被取消。 It rained yesterday and in consequence the match was canceled.
我们都被他的爱国精神深深感动了。 We are all deeply moved by his patriotism.
她被针扎了一下。 She pricked herself on a needle.
该被责怪的人是你。 It is you who are to blame.
他被任命为科长。 He is nominated section chief.
他将被逐步提升。 He will be promoted step by step.
这些石油将被精炼。 The oil will be refined.
他被选为会议主席。 He was elected chairman of the meeting.
他被感动得流下了眼泪。 He was softened into tears.
你的合同已经被终止。 Your contract has been terminated.
母亲昨天补了一床被子。 Mother pieced a quilt yesterday.
她感到头皮上被扎了一下. She felt a pricking on her scalp.
这帮人正被警方追捕。 The gang is being hunted by the police.
抗议者被警察拖走了。 The protesters were dragged away by the police.
他的口袋全被糖粘住了。 His pocket was all gummed up with candy.
警察找回了被盗的珠宝。 The police recovered the stolen jewellery.
我被这个惊人的想法吸引住了。 I was attracted by the striking idea.
他己被悄悄地免掉主任的职务。 He has been quietly booted out as chief.
工会被迫稍稍改变立场。 The union has been forced to slightly modify its position.
她被派出国执行一项艰巨任务. She was sent abroad on a difficult assignment.
他被任命为那所中学的校长。 He was appointed the rector of the middle school.
那个专门小组被选中参加讨论。 The panel was chosen to take part in discussion.
敌人在一场决定性的战斗中被击败. The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.
被压迫的人民,在政变之后获得自由。 The oppressed were free after the coup.
他总提心吊胆的,担心被人发现。 The fear of being discovered was his constant companion.
遭遇海难的水手已经被直升机救起。 The shipwrecked sailors were rescued by helicopter.
我还没来得及给他盖好被子,他就睡着了。 He was asleep before I tucked him in.
吵闹的年青人都已从影院被逐出去了。 The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema.
那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.
你一定会被那美丽的景象所感动的。 You will never fail to be moved by the beauty of the sight.
我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。 I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.
金钱正在被更直接地用来取代某种东西。 Money is being used in place of something more direct.
这三个人根据各自的能力被分配了工作。 The three men were given work according to their respective abilities.
法律面前人人平等是被认为理所当然的。 It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law.
一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。 A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
被围困在城里的老百姓已空运到安全地区. Civilians trapped in the beleaguered city have been airlifted to safety.
那位革命者为避免被捕在地下躲藏了几个星期。 The revolutionist eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground.
我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.
使醉的喝醉了的,被麻醉品例如可卡因或大麻麻醉了的 Intoxicated by or as if by alcohol or a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana.
反动统治者发现要征服那些被压迫的当地人是很困难的。 The reactionary rulers found it very difficult to bring the oppressed natives under.
他被判阻挡犯规。 He was found guilty of obstruction.
他对被诬告愤愤不平。 He is indignant at the false accusation.
她的一生被疾病所摧残。 Her life was blighted by ill health.
那个邮递员被一只恶狗咬了。 The postman was bitten by a fierce dog.
这艘船被敌人的鱼雷击沉了。 The ship was sunk by an enemy torpedo.
他得罪了上司,于是被解雇了。 He offended his superior and then was fired.
他详细列出全部被盗的财物。 He gave full particulars of the stolen property.
随便摘花的人会被罚款。 They will impose a fine on anyone who should pick flowers at will.
她被判有罪, 因而失去了工作. She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence (of it).
他由于烧伤,被送入医院治疗。 He was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns.
如果你被捕,你有权保持沉默。 If you are arrested you have the right to remain silent.
他因遭蛇咬而被送到医院治疗。 He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite.
越狱的逃犯已经再次被警方抓获。 The escaped convict has been caught by the police again.
这个司机的驾驶执照被警察吊销了。 The driver's certificate was suspended by the police.
科学知识被滥用于破坏和战争。 Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war.
他偷偷溜进了电影院而没有被人逮着。 He stole into the cinema without being caught.
他被认为是本世纪第一流的作曲家之一。 He is regarded as one of the classical composers in this century.
我们必须通过智力测验才能被老板雇用。 We must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss.
一个人未被证明有罪前,被视为是清白的。 A man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty.
那把刀子被卡住了,她猛地一拔,把它拔了出来。 The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with a jerk.
这本书被翻译成多种译文并行销全球。 The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.
近些年来, 很多通讯卫星被送上轨道。 In recent years a number of communications satellites have been put into orbit.
倘使你不发一言,就不会被要求重复再讲一遍了。 If you do not say anything, you will not be called on to repeat it.
有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。 Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them.
这个战场被视为圣地以纪念战死在这里的战士。 This battle field is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.
一个见习技术员被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。 A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry.
自从岛上蚊子被消灭后,那儿成了更加美好的居住地。 Since the mosquitoes were killed off, the island has become a far pleasanter place to live in.
在她被接受为固定雇员之前经过了三个月的试用期。 He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a permanent member of staff.
这些被警察抓住的犯罪分子只是些小鱼,他们的头子却跑掉了。 These criminals arrested by the police are only minnows, their leader has escaped.
任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。 If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown.
罪犯被推上绞架吊死。 The criminals were hanged on the gibbet.
她那么傻,以致被人嘲笑。 She was laughed at for being so foolish.
南部邦联被北方打败了。 The Confederacy was defeated by the northern states.
昨晚他们被强盗洗劫一空。 Last night, they were cleaned out by robbers.
他被假情报诱骗进入敌区。 He was decoyed by a false message into enemy territory.
大厦上有个被风折断的旗杆。 There is a flagpole broken by wind on the building.
他被她那尖锐的问题弄得哑口无言。 He was struck dumb by her sharp question.
那些死去的战士被埋葬在坟墓里。 Those dead soldiers were buried in the tombs.
他遇雪崩被埋住了,得把他挖出来。 He was buried by an avalanche and had to be dug out.
那些股东被召集去叁加股东大会。 The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting.
在毕业典礼上,学位被正式颁发。 At commencement, academic degrees are officially given.
他被公认为现代最杰出的作家之一。 He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers.
如果战争爆发, 我们将立即被征召服役。 If war breaks out, we shall be called up right away.
这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。 The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile.
妇女被排斥于寺院之外使得她们很难过。 The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad.
孔子被认为是中国古代最伟大的圣贤。 Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.
俄罗斯是被包藏在一个闷胡芦里面的神秘物体之中的谜。 Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
机场附近的战斗持续了一个星期,敌军才被击溃。 The fighting around the airport continued for a week before the enemy was defeated.
在英国,用刀把食物送进嘴里被认为是粗鲁的行为。 Putting food into one's mouth with a knife is considered vulgar in England.
他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果, 被控以诽谤罪. His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel.
在漫长的世界历史中,只有少数几代人在自由处于最危急的时刻被赋予保卫自由的责任。 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.
缓刑对已被认定犯有某罪的人实行暂缓执行其刑罚,并在其保证良好行为的基础上给予暂时的自由 The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of good behavior.
他被一株树根绊倒了。 He tripped on a tree root.
总理被总统废黜了。 The Prime Minister was dethroned by the President.
被配偶遗弃是离婚的理由吗? Does desertion ground for divorce?
被虫蛀的被虫钻透或咬啮的 Bored through or gnawed by worms.
国家元首被军队废黜了。 The head of state was deposed by the army.
我被带到後台去会见演员. I was taken backstage to meet the actors.
硼砂常被用来做玻璃制品。 Borax is always used in making glass.
我(的现金和支票簿)被抢了. I was robbed (of my cash and cheque-book).
他被提升为陆军中尉/海军上尉。 He was promoted to lieutenant.
广袤的平原被厚厚的雪覆盖着。 The vast champaign was covered with thick snow.
玛丽留下几块布准备做一床被子。 Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.
这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。 The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain.
小偷被逮住了,但他的同伙却逃之夭夭。 The thief was arrested, but his confederate escaped.
船员夺船未遂, 均以叛乱罪被枪决. The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.
不管侵略者什麽时候来,都必被消灭。 No matter when the invader comes, they will be wiped out clean.
以下是他被颁赠一九六四年诺贝尔和平奖的过程。 What follows is the process of his being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
王先生与州长感情甚笃,常被邀请与其一同用餐。 Mr Wang is in the good graces of the governor, and is often invited to dine with him.
他在漆黑的电影院里被什么人的脚绊了一下,差点儿摔倒了。 He tripped over someone's foot in the darkened cinema and almost fell.
年轻女子被举荐入宫(觐见君主)的风俗已不复存在. The custom of young ladies being presented at court (ie formally introduced to the monarch) has disappeared.
一达到适当的年龄,孩子们就被鼓励,而不是被强迫,"离开老窝"。 Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".
羽绒被一种经常有可换洗被罩的被子,可以用来代替被褥或床单 A quilt, usually with a washable cover, that may be used in place of a bedspread and top sheet.
无线电高空测候器一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器 An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data.
应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任 Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.
开普勒,约翰尼斯1571-1630德国天文学家和数学家,被认为是现代天文学的奠基人,他创立了三大定律,说明行星围绕太阳转的理论 German astronomer and mathematician. Considered the founder of modern astronomy, he formulated three laws to clarify the theory that the planets revolve around the sun.
警察组成这样一个部门的一群人,他们被专门训练来掌握执行法律和防止并侦破犯罪行为的方法,被授予维护一个社区的和平、安全和秩序的职权 A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.
那个坏蛋已被收买。 That scoundrel has been got at.
被误解的被错误地理解或错误地领会的 Incorrectly understood or interpreted.
当了名人的麻烦之一是在街上被人指指点点。 One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you on the street.
决议被搁置。 The decision was set aside.
他被子弹伤着了。 He was hurt by a bullet.
湖被树木环绕。 The lake is encircled by trees.
士兵们被迫投降。 The soldiers had to yield.
他被他的同伙杀死。 He was done away with by his partner.
他被树立为我们的榜样。 He was set up as our example.
领土被侵占者瓜分. The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.
他被那可怕的景象吓呆了. He stood aghast at the terrible sight.
风景被发电厂破坏了。 This landscape is disfigured by a power station.
他因玩忽职守而被开除了。 He is dismissed for neglecting of duty.
我们被美丽的景色迷住了。 The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment.
那个球被充满了气体混合物。 The ball is filled with gaseous mixture.
熊猫被全世界的人们喜爱。 Pandas are loved by people all over the world.
他们被禁止穿越占领区. They were denied passage through the occupied territory.
他的建议被认为是切实可行的。 His proposal is thought of as practical.
我们正交谈时, 线路被切断了. We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.
他虽被命令不许去,但还是去了。 He went, notwithstanding he was ordered to stay.
小说常被改编为舞台剧本。 Novels are often adapted for the stage, television and radio.
他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。 He will be considered a weak leader.
他正在这样干时被一位民兵撞见了。 A militiaman surprised him in the act.
这次飞行由于技术的原因而被推迟。 The flight was delayed owing to technical reasons.
该公司已被美国一企业集团接管。 The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate.
她被选定在这部影片中扮演女主角。 She was chosen to play the heroine in this film.
这俱乐部被知识分子小集团把持著. The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals.
解放后,他被任命为这个厂的厂长。 He was named director of the plant after liberation.
公车是如此拥挤,我被挤得动弹不得。 The bus is so full that I am jammed in and can not move.
这个房客因为没有交房租而被赶出去了。 The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent.
在我方的沉重打击下,敌军被迫后退。 The enemy was forced to get back under our massive blows.
因为尺子被书盖住了,所以我没找到它。 I could not find my ruler because it was covered up by the books.
安装可靠的报警设备以减低被盗的风险. To minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system.
一位体育界的著名人士被邀请为决赛开球。 A sports personality was invited to kick off at die final.
调动或被调动的人,比如转到一个新的学校 One who transfers or is transferred, as to a new school.
那位妇人对找回被盗的珠宝感到非常高兴。 Th woman was delighted at the recovery of her stolen jewels.
军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
别抱成见,这些新制度早晚会被人们接受。 Please keep an open mind, The new rules will be accept sooner or later.
他用手枪向我射击,我及时向后一跳没被射中。 He snot a pistol of me. I jumped back in time to avoid being shot.
飞地一个国家的与其主要部分分离的并被外国领土包围的一部分 A part of a country that is isolated from the main part and is surrounded by foreign territory.
这项活动尤其会使黑人妇女受益,对她们来说高等教育机会已被极大地限制 The program will particularly benefit Black women, for whom higher education opportunities have been severely limited.
敌人被歼灭了. The enemy was annihilated.
奴隶们被释放了。 The slaves were enfranchised.
他们几乎被水淹死。 They came near being drowned.
蜡烛被风吹灭了。 The candle was blown out by the wind.
我被耽误了一段时间。 I was temporarily delayed.
船被岩石撞坏了。 The ship was battered against the rocks.
他勉强被容许留在这里。 He is here on sufferance.
不合理的规则被废除了。 The unreasonable rules were revoked.
参观博物馆被推迟了。 Our visit to the museum is postponed.
他被查出得了不治之症。 He was found in incurable disease.
被告还押候审一星期. The accused was remanded in custody for a week.
他被雨浇得全身湿透。 He was wet from head to foot from the shower.
他的身体被工作压垮了. His health collapsed under the pressure of work.
将军被授予最高权力。 The general was girded with the supreme power.
锅炉爆炸时她被烫伤了。 She was scalded when the boiler exploded.
他被任命为驻美国大使。 He was appointed ambassador to the United States.
有两个镜头被审查员剪掉了. Two scenes were cut by the censor.
暴乱导致3 个年轻人被捕。 The riot led to the arrest of three young men.
因为滥用权力,他被开除了。 Because of misuse of power, he was dismissed.
他被绑在一把椅子上, 就那样待著. He was bound to a chair and left.
他的舌头被红辣椒辣得好难受。 He burned his tongue with red pepper.
他因品质高尚而被人怀念。 He is remembered for the nobility of his character.
他依法应得的遗产被人骗走了. He was cheated (out) of his rightful inheritance.
村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。 The village was swept away when the dam burst.
裁判判定他在第一回合被击败。 The referee counted him out in the first round.
他撞车后驾驶执照被吊销了。 His driving licence was revoked after the crash.
这座建筑的外墙被漆成了蓝色。 The outer walls of the building were painted blue.
他的辩论因被打断而显得不完整。 The interruption fragmented his argument.
港口附近的兵站被敌人炸毁了。 The depot near the harbor was bombed by the enemy.
凶恶的女人被认为胆大或凶狠的妇女 A woman regarded as daring or fierce.
他没有被人看见就溜入了那间屋子。 He slipped into the house without being seen.
这个村庄在洪水泛滥时被淹没了。 The village was overwhelmed when the floods came.
把狗放开,它已被拴了几个钟头了。 Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours.
奴隶制在许多国家已经被废除。 The abolition of slavery had been exercised in many countries.
他因为动作犯规而被裁判记下姓名。 He was booked by the referee for foul play.
这位政治家被任命为财政部长。 The politician was appointed as the Minister of Finance.
通往这座城市的所有道路都被封锁了。 All approaches to the city were blocked.
这座城市被占领使国人大为震惊。 The capture of the city shocked everyone in the country.
在旧社会工人农民是被剥削的阶级。 Is the old society worker and farmer is exploited class.
它常被用作治疗蛇咬伤的民间药物。 It is often used as folk medicine to cure snake bite.
他预知自己的旅程会被恶劣天气耽搁。 He foresaw that his journey would be delayed by bad weather.
他们旅游到了一个被山影笼罩的村庄。 They traveled to a village overshadowed by mountains.
盛有核废料的密封容器被丢在海里。 Sealed containers of nuclear waste have been dumped in the sea.
所有的居民都被可怕的疾病夺去了生命。 The entire population was wiped out by the terrible disease.
流行歌曲一被接受, 追星族就大量涌现。 As soon as popular songs were accepted, fans appeared in a rash.
各党形成联盟时, 共产党人被排斥在外. When the coalition was formed, the Communists were left out in the cold.
在丛林中, 他们为了生存被迫采取极端行动. In the jungle, they were driven to extremes in order to survive.
一伙人被指控阴谋推翻选举产生的合法政府。 A group of men were charged conspiring against the duly elected government.
作为那些公司的拥有者,她被视为财富的象征。 Being the owner of those corporations, she is regarded as an emblem of mammon.
这种句法结构不可与按规则变化的被动语态相混淆. This construction should not be confused with the regular passive.
经过长时间包围之后,这个小镇已被起义军攻克。 After a prolonged siege, the town was rendered up to the insurgents.
罢工者受到威胁说,如果他们不复工,就会被解雇。 The strikers were threatened with dismissal if they did not return to work.
弱者被逼太甚,也会进行抗争,你最好还是给她一条出路。 Even a worm will turn. You had better give her a way out.
解剖体,解剖标本已被解剖的东西,如被研究的组织标本 Something that has been dissected, such as a tissue specimen under study.
在某些国家,凡是同政府持有不同意见的人都被视为罪犯。 In some countries, people who disagree with the government are classed as criminals.
资本主义制度下的被压迫人民生活在一个与我们截然不同的世界里。 The Oppressed people under capitalism live in a world far other
住舱区一个适合或被配给的住所或场所,如在军舰上配给军官和船员的 A proper or assigned station or place, as for officers and crew on a warship.
当今用手做东西,在许多国家已经成为很特殊--如此地特殊,以致赠送自制礼物有时被认为是不寻常的。 Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today -- so much so that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary.
新陈代谢维持生命所必需的,发生于存活细胞中或生物体中的物理和化学过程的总和。在此过程中,一些物质被分解从而为生命过程提供能量,而另一些维持生命所必需的物质则被合成 The complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.
叛乱者被迫投降. The rebels were forced to give in.
壁垒被彻底摧毁了。 The rampart was destroyed totally.
这个奴隶被鞭打死。 The slave was strapped to death.
被调动或迁移的人或物 One who is transferred.
他被驱逐使我们很震惊。 His banishment shocked us all.
这个洞被帆布遮盖住了. The hole was covered (over) with canvas.
被有短毛或柔软绒毛的 Covered with short hairs or soft down.
几天前,这些歹徒被逮捕了。 These bandits were arrested several days ago.
那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。 The bevel of that picture frame was damaged.
这艘船是被一艘核潜艇击沉的。 The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine.
这一灾难被视为上天的惩罚. The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high.
他被一家生产军需品的工厂雇佣。 He was hired by a munitions factory.
他被从监狱释放使我们困惑不已。 His deliverance from the prison puzzled us.
尸体检验表明受害者是被毒死的. A post-mortem showed that the victim had been poisoned.
我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。 I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him.
热情的示威游行者被新闻媒介忽视了。 The zealous demonstrators were ignored by the media.
泥土被洪水冲走, 露出光秃秃的岩石. The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock.
鸽子被放出去传送发生叛乱的消息。 Pigeons were sent out to spread the tidings of rebellion.
他的妈妈被他惹恼了,狠狠地揍他的屁股。 His mother was so annoyed with him that she swatted his rear end.
文件已经被输入到一台便携式电脑里了。 The documents have been typed into a portable computer.
敌军发动袭击,结果反陷入我方伏击而被歼灭。 The enemy came upon us only to be entrapped and wiped out.
这片热带森林色彩纷呈的植被使教授惊讶。 The colorful vegetation of this tropical forest amazed the professor.
储备物资可用的储备物资,被一群人共同分享使用的 An available supply, the use of which is shared by a group.
不要被他那副讨人喜欢的外表所迷惑, 其实他冷酷无情. Don't be taken in by his charming manner; he's completely ruthless.
辅助帆一片被绷在船头或船尾以增进航行区域的油布 A strip of canvas laced to a fore-and-aft sail to increase sail area.
魔力,神力被认为是寓于某个人或某件神圣的物件中的超自然力量 A supernatural force believed to dwell in a person or sacred object.
总统因近来被揭露涉嫌金融权益问题而成为丑闻的主角。 The President is at the center of a recent scandal over revelation about his financial interests.
那个男人被发现患有传染病,因此他的房子必须用烟熏来消毒。 The man was found to have an infectious disease, so his house had to be fumigated.
等到他被迫向朋友乞讨时, 他觉得自己的境况已糟到无以复加的地步了. When he was forced to beg from his friends he felt he had touched bottom and could sink no lower.
乱石一种质地很软以致于不须砸或劈就能被轻易截断的石头,如石灰石 A stone, such as limestone, that is soft enough to be cut easily without shattering or splitting.
一种诉讼案。在此案中一方当事人要求获得被另一当事人所占有的财产或货物。 Court case in which one party claim property or goods in the possession of the other.
那个犯人被手铐铐着。 The prisoner was fastened by a shackle.
被束缚的受奴役的;被征服的 Held in bondage; enslaved.
国家元首被陆军废黜了。 The head of state was deposed by the army.
他被很多债务弄得焦灼不安。 He was embarrassed by many debts.
比利时被称作欧洲战场。 Belgium has been called the cockpit of Europe.
大雨过後有几片耕地被淹. Several fields are under water after the heavy rain.
鲸鱼被鱼叉射中後潜入水中. The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.
金属铸模金属锭在其中被铸的模子 A mold in which such metal is cast.
他们不得不赎回被绑架的外交官。 They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat.
那囚犯在黎明时被(行刑队)处决. The prisoner was put to death (by firing squad) at dawn.
你可曾想到被你最好的朋友出卖? Did it ever occur to you to be betrayed by your best friend?
被严密监视的这些囚犯昨夜越狱了。 The prisoners closely guarded escaped from the prison last night.
当被介绍给全班同学时,玛丽很害羞。 Mary was shy at her introduction to the whole class.
消极主义消极被动的性格、态度、品质或行为 Passive character, attitude, quality, or behavior.
一组某物被分割后其部分、区域或群组之一 One of the parts, sections, or groups into which something is divided.
艾奥宙斯所爱的少女,被赫拉变成丁小母牛 A maiden who was loved by Zeus and transformed by Hera into a heifer.
你有没有听到这次谁要被调动到什么地方? Have you hear anything about who's get transferred to where this time?
那政权被推翻以後, 有一段时期是无政府状态. The overthrow of the regime was followed by a period of anarchy.
我们被这所公寓的精致的室内装潢设计吸引。 We are fascinated by the delicate interior design of the apartment.
三天之后他在自己的房间里被发现, 已濒于死亡。 He was found three days later on the edge of death in his room.
这个贫穷的小男孩在他十岁的时候就被雇为羊倌。 The poor boy was hired as a shepherd when he was only ten.
不及物的既不主动也不被动的;不及物的。用于指动词 Neither active nor passive; intransitive. Used of verbs.
凶恶的人,虎狼之徒被认为是有野心、卤莽或凶残的人 A person regarded as aggressive, audacious, or fierce.
汤姆越狱後, 时时如惊弓之鸟, 生怕再次被捕. Since he escaped from gaol, Tom has been living on a razor's edge, terrified of recapture.
"由于他战斗中指挥英明,他被提升为少校。" He was elevated to do the rank of major due to his wise command in the battle.
即使灯泡中的空气被抽出,钨丝也会慢慢地蒸发。 Even with the air pumped out the bulb, the tungsten filament slowly vaporizes.
为了她的缘故,也为了约翰,我热切地希望她能被找到。 For her sake, as well as for John's, I hoped fervently that she might still be found.
新的事实已众所周知, 政府被迫承认处理间谍丑事失当. As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.
我得对他们说他们被开除了, 我总得替老板(出面)做这种倒霉事儿. I had to tell them they'd lost their jobs: I always have to do the boss's dirty work (for him).
军功章的获得者们被按级别高低召见──等级最高的官员排在第一位 Recipients of military honors were called in order of precedence梙ighest ranking officers first.
他在那高低不平的地面上才走了几步,就被绊了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。 He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face.
洗矿槽,淘汰盘一个倾斜的槽,在其中被碾压的矿石被流水冲刷以冲走杂质 An inclined trough in which crushed ore is washed with running water to flush away impurities.
当她母亲回家来告诉她,她的狗已被车辗死时,这个可怜的小姑娘痛哭起来。 The poor little girl cried her heart out when her mother came home and told her that her dog had been run over.
假使《哈姆雷特》是今时写成的话,它可能会被称为《埃尔斯诺城的怪事》。 If Hamlet had been written in these days it will probably have been called the strange affair at Elsinore.
唉,又是倒霉啦!假如我是被养大当帽子工人的,生下来的孩子可能都没带头颅来的吧。 Just like my luck! If I had been bred a hatter, little boys would have come into the world without heads.
个人语型,个人言语方式(变体)在所处的语言或方言环境中被作为独特的语言形式的个人语言 The speech of an individual, considered as a linguistic pattern unique among speakers of his or her language or dialect.
拉链由平行的金属、塑料或尼龙的齿状物制成的,在开口临近边缘上被滑动的拉环锁住的紧扣物 A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab.
一种正在执行中的程序,是一种活着的实体,能引起事件的发生;而程序是被动的,处于静止状态。 A program in execution, a process is an active entity, which can cause things to occur, as opposed to a program, which is a passive entity.
引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量 A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
瓦莱里安罗马皇帝(253-260年),在他的统治时期充满了军事或财政困难,他于260年被波斯武装力量击败并在被俘期间死去 Emperor of Rome(253-260) whose reign was marked by military and financial troubles. He was defeated by Persian forces(260) and died in captivity.
神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲劳乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的 A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
在很多地方,计算机能做数百万人的工作,因此它被广泛地应用在各个科技领域——核物理、电气工程、机械工程等等。 In many places a computer does the work of a million persons, and so it is widely used in any branch of science and technology- nuclear physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and the like.
共沸混合物两种或多种物质组成的液体混合物,当在某种压力下被蒸馏或局部汽化时,在气体状态下和在液体状态下保留相同的物质的成分 A liquid mixture of two or more substances that retains the same composition in the vapor state as in the liquid state when distilled or partially evaporated under a certain pressure.
病,疾病有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征 A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
心理分析由西格蒙德·弗洛伊德创立的一套精神治疗的方法,用自由联系、对梦的阐释和对抵抗和移情的分析来研究被压抑或无意识的冲动、焦虑和内心冲突 The method of psychiatric therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts.
原告起诉了被告。 The accuser brought an accusation against the accused.
改变了的已经被更改或变更了的 Having been modified or altered.
我不知不觉被拉来参加了这次远足旅行。 I was roped in for this excursion before I knew it.
我们两国被共同关切的问题连结在一起。 Our two nations are knit together by common concerns.
被激发促动的状态 The state of being motivated.
那些人被控扰乱治安. The men were charged with causing an affray.
教室被弄得乱七八糟。 The classroom was turned upside-down.
他被选为总统候选人。 He was elected presidential candidate.
自杀的可能性已被排除。 The possibility of suicide was ruled out.
这个计划被普遍地接受了。 The plan has been generally accepted.
晚餐吃剩的东西被收去了。 The remains of the supper were taken away.
那个胆小鬼被团里开除了。 The coward was drummed out of the regiment.
他因在上课时吸烟而被开除了。 He was expelled for smoking in class.
这条路因发生事故而被封闭. They've closed the road because of an accident.
她已被提名为总统候选人。 She had been nominated as candidate for the presidency.
英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。 The British line was forced back a short distance.
他被暗杀者的近距离开枪打死。 He was mowed down by the assassin at point-blank range.
她的理论被人引用而未向她致谢. Her theory was quoted without (an) acknowledgement.
一个官方使团被派去解决争端。 An official mission was sent to settle the dispute.
那些犯人被警察轻而易举地制服了。 The criminals were easily overpowered by the police.
他被对手击败后,我尽力安慰他。 I tried to comfort him after he was defeated by his opponent.
全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会。 It is requested that all members be present at the party.
律师在离开办公室时被记者拦住了。 The lawyer was collared by some journalists as he left his office.
一只生日蛋糕将被厨师放到桌子上。 A birthday cake is going to be brought to the table by the cook.
去年他被推选出席了先进工作者会议。 Last year he was chosen to attend a conference of advanced workers.
救济品很快被送到遭受火灾的灾民手中。 Relief was quickly sent to the sufferers from the great fire.
那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了. The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.
新政府上台后,我们有几个计划被砍掉了。 Several of our plans got the axe when the new government came in.
在那些岁月里,有才干的青年常常被埋没。 In those days talented young people were too often ploughed under.
我被教会三角形两个边的和大于第三个边。 I was taught that two sides of a triangle were greater than the third.
违犯,违背违反的动作或实例,或被违反的状态 The act or an instance of violating or the condition of being violated.
我们的首席代表的退场被看作是一种抗议的表示。 Our chief representative's withdrawal was construed as a protest.
使者被派去代表另一个人的利益完成某使命的人 An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another.
出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。 Be recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for is famous.
假如查出你向该国走私货物,你的货物可能会被没收。 If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.
日本的确是个美丽的国家,但最近日本的大都市已被污染。 It is true that Japan is a beautiful country, but its big cities are lately polluted.
半场某些体育比赛被划分成两个阶段,其中之一被称为半场 One of the two playing periods into which certain games are divided.
尽管被众人质问,但是这位领导人仍然表现出神气十足的样子。 Despite being heckled by the crowd, the leader bore himself with dignity.
原始人,未开化的人被其他民族或群体视为拥有原始文化的人 A member of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization.
敌人冲破了前线,但被我们的骑兵部队毫不留情地从高地击退。 The enemy broke through the front line, but were firmly repulsed from the higher ground by cavalry.
微调装置精密仪器上被设计用以增进精密校准或测量的一个辅助装置 An auxiliary device designed to facilitate fine adjustments or measurements on precision instruments.
应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.
对任何一件东西都要以正确的名称来称呼的人,几乎不可能走过马路而不被人作为共同的敌人来打倒的吧。 A man that should call everything by its right name, would hardly pass the streets without being knocked down as a common enemy.
密码一种密码系统,其中固定长度的明文里的单元,通常为字母,被任意倒置或按事先确定的符号系统替换 A cryptographic system in which units of plain text of regular length, usually letters, are arbitrarily transposed or substituted according to a predetermined code.
在字符识别中,字符阅读器所使用的一种系统,在这里输入的文件以预定的和不变的速率被发送给文件传送装置。 A system used by character readers in character recognition where each input document is issued to the document transport at a predetermined and fixed rate.
软件保护中,把不能复制的标记或签名存放在软盘上的方法,用一个特殊测试程序来检测签名是否存在,如不存在,则被保护的程序不能运行。 In software protection, a method of giving a mark, or signature, that cannot be duplicated, to a floppy disk. A special test routine detects if a signature is present, and if it is not found the protected program will be disabled.
敌人被迫撤退。 The enemy was forced to retreat.
米基曾因毒品事而被捕. Mickey's been busted for drugs.
房子半截被埋在雪里。 The house was half buried under snow.
被告说他受人陷害了. The accused man said he had been framed.
他因醉酒开车被罚款。 He was fined for driving while intoxicated.
他因蔑视法庭而被传讯。 He was cited for contempt of court.
她因超速开车而被罚款。 She was fined for driving above the regulation speed.
被告中有数人被判定有罪。 Several of the accused were found guilty.
他被任命为驻日本的总领事。 He was appointed the general consul of Japan.
那艘船因违犯中立而被捕获。 The ship was prized for violating neutrality.
这名罪犯被判处一年监禁。 The criminal was sentenced to one year's imprisonment.
只要交了罚款, 他就会被释放。 He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid.
几经失败之后,敌军被迫后撤。 After several reverses the enemy was forced to retreat.
我们全都被邀请参加这次盛典。 We are all invited to take part in the pageant.
被修剪坏后丧失生命力的植物 Plants that lost their vitality when badly pruned.
他因被指控触犯选举法而遭逮捕。 He is accused because offending electoral law.
那个嫌疑犯被带到警察局问话. The suspect was taken to the police station for questioning.
他被倒下来的树击中,当场死亡。 He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot.
这些早期遗物被认为具有神奇的力量. The relics are credited with miraculous powers.
被旅馆服务人员洗烫得很整洁的衬衣 Shirts that were neatly laundered by the hotel staff.
他因在人行横道上乱扔杂物而被罚款。 He was fined for littering on the sidewalks.
陪审团做出被告无罪的裁决. The jury returned a verdict of (ie reached a decision that the accused was) not guilty.
他被邀请担任本地摄影俱乐部的主席。 He was invited to become president of the local camera club.
这位牧师被教皇指定为他的高级使节。  The priest was appointed the legate by the pope.
他被警方以私闯民宅的罪名而扣留。 He was held by the police on a charge of breaking and entering.
那个人因为误食毒菌而被送进了医院。 The man was sent to the hospital for having eaten toadstool by mistake.
在爆炸中有两个士兵和一个平民被炸死. Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in the explosion.
那个目光敏锐的警察发现了那辆被盗的汽车. A ,sharp-eyed police officer spotted the stolen car.
近来有几起毒品走私活动被检举立案. There have been several successful prosecutions for drug smuggling recently.
鉴于这些事实,一个专门委员会被委任。 In view of these facts, one the specialized commission is appointed.
他惯常坐在桌旁的位置被一个陌生人占据了。 His habitual place at the table was occupied by a stranger.
她两次被派到国外在国际博览会上作表演。 She has twice been sent abroad to demonstrate at international fairs.
我们的父母在战争期间有两次被炸弹炸得无家可归。 Our parents were bombed out twice during the war.
他们刷了一层油漆以防止船只被海水氧化。 They painted a coat of paint to prevent the oxidation of the ship by seawater.
不过现在它们已经被改建,用作库房或粮仓了。 But now they have been adapted for use as storehouses or granaries.
这一设计图纸还未画出就被认为不实用而遭废弃。 The design is scrubbed at the drawing board stage as being impractical.
警方声称这男子是被谋杀的,但未提出任何证据。 The police alleged that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.
这是一桩民事案件,因此他没有被送进监狱的可能。 It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison.
那位船长被免除了因船只失事而遭致的非难和罪责。 The captain is absolved from all blame and responsibility for the shipwreck.
在英国法中在证明他有罪前被告是被假定无罪的。 In English law, the accused is presumed to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty.
被传授了初步知识的人已被引入或熟悉某一特定领域知识的人 One who has been introduced to or has attained knowledge in a particular field.
英国司法运作的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是清白的。 British justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until he's proved guilty.
控诉,申诉指控或控告的一部分,针对被控方起着极重要的作用 The part of a charge or an accusation that weighs most substantially against the accused.
马克曾想谋求秘书的职位,但因提出太迟,错过了被考虑录用的时机。 Mark tried for the post of secretary, but was too late to be considered for it.
昨天钢材股市上的股票被大量买进更明确地预示了大选即将来临。 A more specific election straw in the wind can be found in yesterday's heavy buying of steel shares.
捏造,想象虚构的作品或托词,并不代表是真实的,而是被编造出来的 An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.
律师的论点所依据的前提是,人们在没有被证明有罪之前都是无罪的。 The lawyer based his argument on the premise that people are innocent until they are proved to be guilty.
那个越狱犯躲避警察追捕一个多星期之后,终于在一家小旅馆被抓获。 After eluding the police for over a week, the escaped prisoner was finally run down in a public house.
父母们担心他们孩子们的心灵全被他们在电视里经常见到的暴力行为所毒害。 Parents are afraid that their child's will be polluted with the violence that they see on television.
假使语言是为了隐藏思想而被发明的,那么报纸就是对这不良发明的一大改进。 If word were invented to conceal think, newspaper should be a great improvement on a bad invention.
表处理语言用于处理包含有表格的数据的编程语言,被广泛地运用于人工智能研究 A programming language designed to process data consisting of lists. It is widely used in artificial intelligence research.
药量已被减低到某一水平,既足以对付受感染的细胞,又不会干扰正常的新陈代谢。 The dosage was geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their normal metabolism.
我曾经警告过他不要调换工作,可如今他被迫在一家亏损公司工作。他这是自作自受。 I warned him not to change his job but now he is forced to work for a company that is losing money. He has made his own bed and now he must lie in it.
他过去毫不留情地欺侮他的秘书,但是如被逼太甚,最温顺者也会反抗的,结果有一天她不辞而别了。 He used to bully his secretary without mercy, but even a worm will turn and one day she walked out and left her job without even saying goodbye.
今天大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一些古代的歌曲。 The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.
在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。 A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
神判法让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定 A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.
在微波系统中,来自各处的分散的输入必须被汇集在一起,以形成一个综合的输入,然后由无线电发送和接收。 In microwave system the separate input from various sources must be brought together to give a composite input which is then transmitted and received by radio.
他被拘留了。 He is under arrest.
他被他们讥笑。 He is laughed at by them.
叛变被镇压了。 The rebellion was put down.
被告被控偷窃。 The defendant is accused of theft.
他被疑惑所困扰。 He is encompassed with doubts.
他被暴徒殴打致死. He was beaten to death by thugs.
她被判犯有诈骗罪. She stood convicted of fraud.
那一家的电话被窃听。 The house is wiretapped.
杀人犯被判处死刑。 The murderer was sentenced to death.
窃贼被关押在监狱里。 The thief was confined in a prison.
罪犯被判处死刑。 The criminal was sentenced to capital punishment.
谁都不喜欢被人怠慢。 No one like to be treated with neglect.
这个男孩被引诱逃学。 The boy was enticed into playing truant.
那群牲畜被绳子拴着。 The animals were fastened by tether.
她有六次因盗窃而被判刑. She has six convictions for theft.
他因犯谋杀罪而被处以绞刑。 He was hanged for murder.
发现一个老妇人被掐死了。 An old woman was found choked to death.
这艘船被允许停泊在这儿。 This ship is approved to berth here.
他的财产被他叔叔霸占了。 His property was seized on by his uncle.
他被控告挪用俱乐部基金. He was accused of appropriating club funds.
糖和淀粉在胃里被分解. Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
他因非法贩卖枪支而被捕。 He is arrested for the illegal sale of gun.
他因疏忽被解除了职务。 He was relieved of his post because of his carelessness.
但愿我的建议能被采纳. I'm crossing my fingers that my proposal will be accepted.
那人被驱逐出基督教会。 The man was excommunicated from the Christian Church.
你犯的这种罪不可能被处以绞刑. You can't hang for such a crime.
部长被查出挪用了公款。 The minister was found to have appropriated government money.
不缴纳税款就可能被起诉. Failureto pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
他放在后裤兜中的钱包被偷了。 His wallet is stolen from his back pocket.
我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。 I have a feeling that we are being followed.
法官的判决被上诉法庭驳回. The judge's decision was set aside by the Appeal Court.
那个贼被旅店的巡察职员抓住了. The thief was caught by the hotel dick.
她被指定为本年度的体坛明星。 She was designated sportswoman of the year.
五百名造反者被俘获并缴了械. Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed.
不缴纳税款就可能被起诉。 Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
在诗歌中,人生被比喻为朝露。 Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.
屋子里的东西被匪徒们洗劫一空。 The bandits made off with everything in the house.
他被感染了一种潜伏性的传染病。 He was infected with a latent infection.
他被判犯有毒品罪而遭驱逐出境. He was convicted of drug offences and deported.
葱翠的有或以茂盛植被为特征的 Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation.
我的一部分津贴被扣去付了饭费。 Part of my allowance is kept back to pay for my meals.
太阳队在第一轮比赛中被淘汰了。 The Sun Team was washed out in the first round.
我对不公平地被解雇表示愤慨。 I expressed my indignation at being unfairly dismissed.
小贝壳常被用作简单的货币。 Small seashells were often used as a primitive kind of money.
我们被指控非法携带货物入境. We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally.
在举行葬礼以前尸体被放在棺材里。 The body was placed in bier before burial.
一只兔子被卷到收割机的刀刃中去了。 A rabbit get catch in the blade of the reaper.
平均每天被窃取的货物价值为15英镑。 On average, 15 worth of goods is stole every day.
他的遗体被运回,埋葬在一个公墓里。 His remains were shipped back and laid away in a cemetery.
贼车被撞坏得很厉害,容易辩认出来。 The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize.
贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师. Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music.
说话要当心,咱们的话可能被窃听了。 Be careful what you say; our conversation may be being bugged.
甘蔗渣在汁液被榨完以后剩下的甘蔗废料 The refuse of sugar cane after extraction of the juice.
他因为在战斗中的勇猛被授予一枚奖章。 He was awarded a merit badge for his bravery in the battle.
榨取,提取榨取,提取的行为或被榨取的状态 The act of extracting or the condition of being extracted.
他被提名为行政总裁的事被董事会批准了。 His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board.
被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里。 The defeat army slinked back to its stronghold in the mountain.
他因刺探该国海军基地的情报而被驱逐出境。 He was expelled from the country for spying on their naval bases.
他被警察拘捕,控以强行进入他人住宅的罪名。 He was held by the police or a charge of breaking and entering.
有的祸事, 像她的汽车被盗之类, 以前从未发生过. Such a disaster as her car being stolen had never happened before.
这个贫穷的女孩被大厦里的豪华的陈设惊呆了。 The poor girl was astonished by the sumptuous furnishings of the mansion.
该杂志被归类成淫秽出版物,已被海关没收。 The magazine is classed as an obscene publication and seized by the customs.
我们的旗帜被用一根绳子和两个滑轮升到了竿顶。 Our flag is raised to the top of a pole by a rope and two pulley.
这部影片被吹捧为杰作, 可是我觉得令人失望. The film was built up to be a masterpiece, but I found it very disappointing.
这个淘气的男孩因为捣毁了蜂房而被蜜蜂追赶。 The naughty boy was chased by the bees because he destroyed the honeycomb.
公主被那个可恶的魔术师偷偷带到了一个荒岛上。 The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician.
申诉民事诉讼中被告对原告所做的陈述状的回答 A defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action.
盐是从海水中结晶出来的,这被视为一种物理变化。 Salt is crystallized from sea water, which is known to be a physical change.
模子一种框架或模型在其周围或在其上某物被塑造或成形 A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped.
能被选拔出来代表国家参赛, 是多数运动员的最高荣誉. To be chosen to represent their country is the highest accolade for most athletes.
这个男人被抓进了警察局,指控在一个地方徘徊,蓄意作案。 The man was taken to the police station on a charge of loitering with intent.
全是狂人,不过,凡是能够分析自己的妄想者就被称为哲学家。 All are lunatics, but he who can analyze he delusion is called a philosopher.
羽毛被的厚度填满了压缩绝缘材料的某种物品的厚度,如尼龙被 The thickness of an item, such as a down comforter, that is filled with compressible insulating material.
动作倒错,失误动作一种如口误等被认为能揭示潜意识动机的小错误 A minor error, such as a slip of the tongue, thought to reveal a subconscious motive.
上星期我儿子被考核了急救方面的知识,现在他已获得六枚童子军奖章。 My son was examined in First Aid last week. He's got about six Scout badges now.
如果这一政策不被采纳为政府的政策,那么我有责任诉诸国民公决。 If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar.
这个被俘的将军,挺着身子走向刑场,直到临终还保持着自己的尊严。 The captured general maintained his dignity to the end, walking ramrod-straight to his execution.
燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。 Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property.
扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁 Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.
第三位在有机分子中从一指定碳原子后第三个位置,在此一个原子或原子团可能被替代 The third position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or a radical may be substituted.
天体要素在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素 The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.
哈吉司羊肉一种苏格兰菜,由绵羊或牛切碎的心,肺,肝与板油,洋葱,燕麦片和调味料混合在被屠宰动物的腹中煮熟而成 A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
他被听众嘘下台来。 He was hissed off by the audience.
安妮·博林於1536年被斩首. Anne Boleyn was beheaded in 1536.
你被蚊子咬的地方还在痒吗? Are your mosquito bites still itching?
我就是这个时侯被教会思考的。 That was when I was taught to think.
范围;区域被该界限围合的空间 The space enclosed by such a boundary.
囚犯对被控罪名再三否认。 The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him.
笨蛋被看作软弱、傻或愚蠢的人 A person regarded as weak, foolish, or stupid.
恶毒女人被看作邪恶和诡诈的妇女 A woman who is regarded as evil and scheming.
人质被(用绳)捆住并塞住了口. The hostages were bound (with ropes) and gagged.
耗尽被损耗的状态;精疲力竭,耗尽 The state of being depleted; exhaustion.
被降级的降级的、丢脸的或降低尊严的 Reduced in rank, dignity, or esteem.
他在向小学生贩卖海洛因时被捕. He was caught pushing heroin to schoolchildren.
不要逾期不缴房租, 否则会被逐出. Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted.
他被玛丽的魅力迷惑, 对她苦缠不休。 He was smitten with Mary's attractions and laid siege to her heart.
马车翻了, 车上的人都(被)摔出来了. The carriage overturned and the passengers (were) pitched out.
自立摆脱了被奴役、扣押或压迫的人的自由 Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.
她说什麽东西也没被偷, 那不过是掩饰罢了. She said nothing was stolen, but that's just a cover-up.
小职员迪克很快就被排挤出了这家店铺。 Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop.
专制如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威 Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority.
某女士已被提名任董事职务[任命为新董事]. Ms X has been named for the directorship/named as the new director.
诗歌、小说和剧本的写作常常被称作创作。 The writing of poems, stories or plays is often called creative writing.
采摘物;采集量已采集或可被采集的物体或一群物体 Something or a group of things that are or may be picked.
二等兵琼斯(因勇敢)被授予维多利亚十字勋章. Private Jones was awarded the Victoria Cross (for his gallantry).
劣等狗一种被视为低劣的或不受欢迎的狗;杂种狗 A dog considered to be inferior or undesirable; a mongrel.
文人,学者被作为一个群体看待的受过教育的人;文人 Educated people considered as a group; the literati.
这个老战犯终于被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获。 The old war criminal is at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad.
公司被迫裁员, 恐怕我是其中之一(冗员). The company is being forced to reduce staff and I fear I'm a likely candidate (for redundancy).
时髦,是逃亡自庸俗而又惟恐被?上的假斯文。 Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity, and afraid of being overtake.
黎明前,这个负伤的男人被神秘地带出了庄园宅邸。 Before dawn the wounded man is spirited away from the house.
有多少受训的飞行员没有通过上次考核而被淘汰? How many pilots in training were washed out in the last examination?
性虐待狂为寻求性满足而打别人或被别人打的人 One who seeks sexual gratification in beating or being beaten by another person.
加重;加剧;恶化加重恶化的行为或被加重、恶化的状态 The act of aggravating or the state of being aggravated.
即使在国家被击败之後,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。 Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill.
美人斑(妇女面部天生的或人为的、曾被视为一种美的痣或斑)。 Mole or artificial spot on a woman's face, once thought to add to her beauty.
仲裁人当调解人无法解决时被指定解决争议的人;仲裁人 A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve; an arbitrator.
自从某寄宿学校传出有人吸毒之後, 高年级有几个男生已被开除. Following reports of drug-taking at a boarding-school, several senior boys have been expelled.
大门一种构造,可被摇晃、牵引或降低,从而堵塞一出口或一过道 A structure that can be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or a passageway.
客迈拉一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇的组合体吐火的雌性怪物 A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.
如果能收到你们寄来的I-20表格,确认我已被录取,我随即启程前往。 If you can send me the I-20 form indicating my acceptance, I can prepare to leave at once.
他粗糙的双手,被太阳哂得发黑的健壮四肢,均表明他十分辛勤,非常耐劳。 His hard hands and sinewy sunburnt limbs told of labor and endurance.
警察发现琼斯躲在鸦片馆里,和那里的其他人一样被毒品熏得昏昏沉沉的。 Police found Jones hiding in an opium den, among other men all hopped up with the drug.
内场,内野第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置 The defensive positions of first base, second base, third base, and shortstop considered as a unit.
哲琪太太:嗯,坦白说,我不很好,小姐。今天早上我的狗被一辆车撞了。 Mrs. Jerky: Well, to be quite frank, I'm not so hot, young lady. This morning, my dog got hit by a car.
他加了一个避免条款,大意是:如果汇率下跌超过去5%,付款将被修改。 He adds a let- out clause to the effect that the payment will be revised if the exchange rate fall by more than5%.
自那时起,从埃及的木乃伊头发到石器时代的檀香木等有机物质的年代都已被确定。 Since then, organic materials ranging from Egyptian mummy hair to Stone Age sandals have been dated.
对价,承诺被允诺、提供或做成的事物,它能使一项协议成为具有法律效力的契约 Something promised, given, or done that has the effect of making an agreement a legally enforceable contract.
场后围栏用于阻止球被投出或打出比赛场地的一种屏障或栅栏,如在棒球比赛中 A screen or fence used to prevent a ball from being thrown or hit far out of a playing area, as in baseball.
芽,萌芽茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或花 A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
科伯,威廉1731-1800英国诗人,被认为是浪漫主义的先锋。他的最杰出的作品任务赞美了农村生活和休闲 British poet considered a precursor of romanticism. His best-known work, The Task(1785), praises rural life and leisure.
少女大约到18岁时开始社交,通常要为她们举办盛大聚会,从此以后她们就被看做是成人了。 In society, girls come out when they reach the age of about eighteen, and usually it is at a big party in their honor; after that they are looked on as adults.
匾额,铭碑,饰板被装饰或雕刻的平的薄板、厚板或圆板,用来镶嵌在墙上装饰或安在纪念碑上记载资料 A flat plate, slab, or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information.
埃米特,罗伯特1778-1803爱尔兰爱国主义者,他为爱尔兰天主教的权利而战,在反对英国的事件中,因失败而被处决 Irish patriot who fought for the rights of Irish Catholics and was executed for his part in a bungled uprising against the British.
语素一种含有一个单词的有意义的语言单位,如人或一词素,如-ed在单词walked中,不能被划分为更小的有意义单位 A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such as man, or a word element, such as-ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts.
工会与资方的最后谈判行将终结,双方努力争取在限期前达成协议。否则,发行187年的《纽约邮报》将被迫永远停刊。 Last-ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the New York Post to close down today for good after187 year.
韦伯磁通量的国际单位,等于当磁通量在一秒钟内被统一地减弱为零时在它联接的一圈电路内产生一伏特电动势时的磁通量 The SI unit of magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux that in linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as it is uniformly reduced to zero within one second.
甘地,穆罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德1869-1948印度民族主义者和精神领袖,推动了非暴力不抵抗运动并迫使英国于1947年允许印度独立,被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀 Indian political leader who served as prime minister(1966-1977) and(1980-1984). She was assassinated by Sikh extremists.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
据悉,在审理戈蒂时,格拉瑟对联邦调查局、检察官、被告律师以及媒体毫不客气。他打了好几通电话给塞申斯,要他必须查出《每日新闻》的消息来源。 Glasser, who rode roughshod over the FBI, prosecutors, defense lawyers and the press during the Gotti trial, made a series of telephone calls to Sessions demanding that the sources for The News story be found, sources said.
麦迪逊美国威斯康星州首府,位于该州的中南部,密尔沃基的西边。它于1836年被选定作为该州的首府并在同年移民于此。威斯康星大学(建于1848年)的主要部分就在这里。人口191,262 The capital of Wisconsin, in the south-central part of the state west of Milwaukee. It was chosen as territorial capital in1836 and settled the same year. The main branch of the University of Wisconsin(founded1848) is here. Population, 191,262.