我代表我的同事和我本人向你表示感谢。 On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you.
微笑常常表示高兴和友善。 A smile often denotes pleasure and friendship.
我们送给那个可怜的小女孩一份生日礼物作为友谊的表示。 We sent the poor girl a birthday present in token of friendship.
他表示了振振有词的抗议。 He expressed voluble protests.
她戴着结婚戒指,表示她已结婚。 She wears a wedding ring to show that she's married.
头大是不是表示智慧高? Is a large head indicative of high intelligence?
(成交或成婚时的)握手用来表示诸如合约或婚姻的誓言的一种握手 A handclasp used to signify a pledge, such as a contract or marriage.
她点头表示赞成. She nodded her approval.
他摇了摇头表示反对。 He shook his head in disapproval.
请让我们向你表示祝贺. May we proffer you our congratulations?
他们表示有签订合同的意愿。 They showed a disposition to sign the contract.
他们对官方的政策表示出异议。 They expressed their dissent from official policy.
她邀请我吃饭以表示她的感激。 She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner.
前途光明的表示名望或成功的希望的 Showing promise of fame or success.
电视观众来信表示对当前节目不满. Letters from viewers express their dissatisfaction with current programmes.
没表示否定, 其含义可能理解为是肯定的. Failure to say `No' may, by implication, be taken to mean `Yes'.
只要红灯一亮,就表示有危及职工的险情。 Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employee.
一种表示确定的概念或观念的语言元素,例如字树。 An element of language that expresses a definite image or idea, for example, the word tree.
大家都对他的逝世表示悲痛. They all mourned his passing.
政府声称对失业表示关注纯属做做姿态。 The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy.
寓言一种通常短小的故事,用来表示启发或谨慎的观点,常利用说话或有人的行为的动物为角色 A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.
最后,我想借此机会请汤姆逊教授转达我们深厚的友谊,并表示对他的同胞良好的祝愿。 Finally, we want to take this opportunity to beg him to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.
他咧嘴一笑表示赞成. He grinned his approval.
条件(从句)表示条件的语气、时态、从句或词 A mood, tense, clause, or word expressing a condition.
不畏缩的;坚定的表示既不害怕也不犹豫的;坚决的 Showing neither fear nor indecision; resolute.
我们得(给那对幸福的夫妇)打个电话表示祝贺. We must telephone our congratulations (to the happy couple).
刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层 The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.
他从来没有对计划表示不满。 He has never dissatisfied with this plan.
我得首先表示歉意. I have to begin with an apology.
我母亲和我一起向你表示美好的祝愿. Mother joins (with) me in sending you our best wishes.
他向我请教那件事以表示对我的敬意。 He paid me the compliment of consulting me about the affair.
她给你这份精美礼物足以表示出她对你的思念。 The nice present she gave you spoke volumes for what she thinks of you.
我对于这个价格既没有表示惊异,也没想接受。 I neither expressed surprise at the price nor attempted to accept it.
我首先得向你们表示歉意,没来参加你们的晚会。 I have in the first place to apologize for not coming to your party.
她用姿势表示不赞成. She gestured her disapproval.
她向他表示衷心的感谢。 She gave him her heartfelt thanks.
我谨向各位表示衷心的感谢. My heartfelt thanks to you all.
欢叫声表示愉悦或欢喜的口齿不清的声音 An inarticulate sound expressive of pleasure or delight.
电视台为出现的干扰表示歉意,那是由于恶劣的天气状况造成的。 The television station apologized for the interference, which was due to bad weather conditions.
老师们纷纷表示,非常珍惜这次宝贵的学习机会,将会把学到的知识教给自己的同事和学生,使更多的人掌握电脑的基本知识。 The participants said they valued this special opportunity very much and would teach what they had learned to their colleagues and students to help more people master basic computer skills.
该项目极佳, 但地方舆论却表示反对. The project seems excellent, but local opinion is against it.
他们[他]写信表示感谢我们赠送礼物. They wrote to thank us/he wrote thanking us for the present.
她先为迟到表示歉意, 然後开始讲话. She prefaced her talk with an apology/by apologizing for being late.
对这种待遇[受到这样的待遇]我表示抗议. I object to such treatment /to being treated like this.
对於令夫人之去世, 谨向您表示最深切的慰问. You have my deepest sympathies on the death of your wife.
护卫队,仪仗队,护送者陪同别人,进行引领、保护或表示尊敬的一个或若干人 One or more persons accompanying another to guide, protect, or show honor.
那数字是以百分比表示的. The figure is expressed as a percentage.
她明确表示反对此提案. She made clear her objections/made it clear that she objected to the proposal.
请允许我对你们剧团的成功表示最热烈的祝贺。 Allow me to offer my warm congratulations on the success of your troupe.
我们的首席代表的退场被看作是一种抗议的表示。 Our chief representative's withdrawal was construed as a protest.
这位部长在她的讲话中表示不同意对现行法律作任何更改。 In her speech, the Minister came out against any change to the existing law.
人群怒吼著表示不满. The crowd howled its displeasure.
大群大群的人聚集到监狱外面,表示他们的关切。 Huge crowds gathered outside the prison to demonstrate their concern.
在编辑语言中,把若干值变换为由给定格式所规定的表示形式。 In programming languages, transforming values to the representations specified by a given format.
等值用不同种货币以一个固定的官方交换汇率表示的一定货币的等量价值 The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed, official rate of exchange.
我对不公平地被解雇表示愤慨。 I expressed my indignation at being unfairly dismissed.
一些经济学家对失业率达到前所未有的程度表示忧虑。 Some economists showed their anxiety on unprecedented level of unemployment.
一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。 A recent survey of public opinion shows that most people are worried about the increasing crime.
士兵死亡後, 女眷表示沉痛哀悼. The dead soldiers were mourned by their womenfolk.
他们的儿子出世後他送给她一枚表示永恒的戒指. He gave her an eternity ring when their son was born.
只有他一人直言不讳地表示反对关闭医院。 He is the only one to speak out against the closure of the hospital.
一个频带的上下界频率之差,单位用赫兹表示。 The difference, expressed in Hertz, between the two limiting frequencies of a band.
消耗量就是以每小时加仑表示的所耗费的燃料总数。 Consumption is the total amount of fuel consumed expressed in gallons per hour.
五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼,向女王表示敬意。 Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour.
在优化问题中,一种表示若干变量相互关系的方程(式)或不等式。 An equation or inequality relating the variables in an optimization problem.
"但是到目前为止,公众已经用书信向新闻界对大学生们表示感激。" "But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press."
抗辩一种表示反对的方法即:同意对方论据中的事实,但是否定对方基于这些事实的辩护 A method of objecting that admits the facts of the opponent's argument but denies that they sustain the pleading based upon them.