她很害羞,不敢和其他旅行者交谈。 She was too timid to talk with other travelers.
暴风雨过后,航行者们迷失了方向。 These voyagers lost their way after the storm.
旅行者一个旅行或已经旅行过的人,如到遥远的地方 One who travels or has traveled, as to distant places.
热情的示威游行者被新闻媒介忽视了。 The zealous demonstrators were ignored by the media.
法官的本分是执行法律(主持正义),惟其所行者,却是在拖延(其执行)。 The duty of a judge is to administer justice, but his practice is delay it.
执行者通过执行特定的命令或起特定作用而充当他人的代理人的人 A person serving as an agent for another by carrying out specified orders or functions.
正是设备的低劣才导致一些徒步旅行者不愿继续攀登 Inferior equipment was precisely the reason some hikers refused to continue the climb.
游行者打著横幅, 上有大字`禁止使用核武器'. The marchers carried banners with the words `No Nuclear Weapons' in large letters.