她穿着一件深蓝色的上衣。 She wore a dark blue coat.
天空慢慢由蓝色变为红色。 The sky slowly changed from blue to red.
她的孩子有一双美丽而明亮的蓝眼睛。 Her baby has bonny and bright blue eyes.
她有一条用三角形蓝绸子做的围巾。 She has a scarf made of a triangular piece of blue silk.
这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。 This traditional costume is of indigo blue.
我丢了一块带蓝色花边的白手绢。 I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.
我穿蓝色衣服非常适合。 Blue is a very becoming color on me.
这些锅上有蓝色的搪瓷。 The pots are made with blue enamel.
嘿,蓝迪,你吃午饭了吗? Hey, Randy, have you had your lunch yet?
房间布置得很好:蓝色的墙使黄色家具更显眼。 The room is well decorated: the blue wall sets off the yellow furniture.
蓝色染料,蓝色颜料加上这种色彩的色素或颜料 A pigment or dye imparting this hue.
这座建筑的外墙被漆成了蓝色。 The outer walls of the building were painted blue.
我那套海军蓝的西装在哪儿? Where's my navy (blue) suit?
清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。 The clear water mirrored the blue sky.
房间是用深浅不一的蓝色粉刷的。 The room was painted in various shades of blue.
吉米还不能分辨颜色,他把紫色和蓝色搅混了。 Jimmy doesn't know colors yet; he mixes up purple with blue.