太阳使湿草闪闪发光。 The wet grass sparkles in the sun.
夏天时,山坡上长满了花草。 The hillside is covered by grass and flowers in summer.
不要践踏草地。 Don't trample on the grass.
每周六琴在村里的公用草地上骑马。 Every Saturday Jean went riding on the village common.
他在食槽里放了些草。 He put some grass in the manger.
割草晾晒的活儿很累, 干一会儿就饿了. Haymaking is hungry work.
普鲁士士兵在锯木厂后边草地上操练。 The Prussians are drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.
他仅有的消遣是喝啤酒和在花园里种花草。 His only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden.
久旱使青草枯萎。 The long drought scorched the grass.
我们到草坪上去喝茶吧。 Let's have tea on the lawn.
空气中有熏衣草和迷迭香花的味道。 There is a lavender scent and rosemary scent in the air.
我们有不同的派,例如苹果、樱桃和草莓派。 We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies.
扫帚梆在一块儿的枝条、干草或刺毛,缚在一根棍或把柄上,作清扫之用 A bunch of twigs, straw, or bristles bound together, attached to a stick or handle, and used for sweeping.
马在草地上吃草。 The horses are eating grass on the grassland.
草已长得齐腰高了. The grass had grown waist-high.
我们顺著草坡滑下去. We slid down the grassy slope.
但愿有草地与小羊。 I wish there were meadows and lambs.
草原的气候变化无常。 The climate on grassland is capricious.
他起草了一份讲话的概要。 He drew up a brief for his speech.
我依恋故乡的一草一木。 I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.
草原向四周伸展, 一望无际. The prairies stretch on all sides as far as the eye can see.
草案初步的草案或计划,如工程或建议的草案 A preliminary draft or plan, as of a project or proposal.
这间屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。 The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
这个小男孩沿着草地的边上走,小心不踩到地里。 The little boy walked along the grass verge, trying not to step into the field.
在人们意识到应当保护自然资源的这个时代, 草原已不容再受破坏了. In these conservation-conscious times, areas of grassland are no longer expendable.
草上沾满了露珠. The grass was sprinkled with dew.
今晚大概会有霜冻,一定要把花草都遮盖好。 It may freeze tonight, so make sure the plant should be covered.
游牧部落的大多人都生活在草原上并且居无定所。 Most of the nomads live in grassland and have no fixed home.
那所房子周围有500英亩起伏不平的草地. The house stands in 500 acres of rolling parkland.
这是一幅由草地,河流,树木组成的五光十色的镶嵌画。 It's a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods.
士兵们养精畜锐,节约粮草,以期反击敌人的进攻。 The soldiers husband their strength and their food, waiting for the enemy to attack.
我想把草坪扩大. I want to enlarge the lawn.
这座房子有半英亩草坪. The house has half an acre of lawn.
你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗? Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?
西洋樱草生长于热带国家吗? Does cowslip grow in tropic countries?
你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场? Do you prefer grass or hard courts?
树(在草地上)投下长长的影子. The tree cast (ie caused there to be) a long shadow (on the grass).
生活在没有树木的大草原上的人们怎样谋生呢? How do people make a living in the steppe?
一位研究蜘蛛的权威对英国南部的一块草坪上的蜘蛛作了一次统计。 One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England
她在明信片上草草地写了几个字. She scrawled a few words on a postcard.
杂草越来越多,有取代其他植物之势。 Weeds tend to displace other plants.
条约草案合约的预备性的草案或纪录 A preliminary draft or record of a transaction.
搜索队在荒草地分散行动. The search party spread out over the moor.
园丁向我要一台旋转式割草机。 The gardener asked me for a rotatory lawn mower.
他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期。 He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.
这个学生用半小时草草拼凑了一篇文章. The student cobbled together an essay in half an hour.
一个衣着华丽的女人走近了草地上的哨兵。 A lady in full feather approached the sentinel on the sward.
我们不能从那里穿过草地, 因为河水泛滥了. We can't cross the meadow there because the river is in flood.
我建议,就提出的协议拟定一个草案。 I suggest that a draft be made of the proposed agreement.
灭草剂用来摧毁或抑制植物,尤指杂草的生长的化学物质 A chemical substance used to destroy or inhibit the growth of plants, especially weeds.
布告牌上写著`勿踏草地'. The notice said Keep off (ie Do not walk on) the grass'.
我们看见他在为屋子四周的草坪浇水。 We saw him watering the lawn around the house.
我准备到汉普敦的苗圃去买些花草. I'm going to the nursery/nurseries in Hampton to buy some plants.
植树的行列种植在一宽阔的草坪上的一排排的树或灌木 An arrangement of trees or shrubs planted in widely spaced rows.
西洋樱草一种杂交的园林樱草,开有由各色花朵组成的花簇 Any of a group of hybrid garden primroses having clusters of variously colored flowers.
草案准备好了。请审核一下细节内容,看看是否全部条款都合适好吗? The draft is prepared. Will you please check the particulars and see if everything is all right?
他正起草一份计划。 He is drawing up a plan.
兵马未动, 粮草先行。 Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses.
委员会建议著手起草新法规. The committee proposed that new legislation should be drafted.
每年都要花费大量金钱在烟草上。 A high amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.
这儿草到了尽头,脚下是松软件的沙土。 Here the grass ended and there was a loose sandy soil under foot.
如果你不喜欢分配给你的任务,干脆不要做,而不要草率从事。 If you do not like the assignment, just do not do them, but do not scamp them.
照今天看来,我会说,当初太草率,如果再有机会,我一定不会那样做。 From today's perspective I'd say I was too hasty and would love to have the chance to do it differently.
遍地野草丛生. The weeds grew in wanton profusion.
在工厂后面的荒地上突然长出了草木。 Greenery has sprouted out in the waste land behind the factory.
从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。 The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure.
储藏干草料的顶棚 A loft for storing hay.
我用大镰刀割草。 I use a scythe for cutting grass.
草地上到处都是蘑菇. The lawn was covered with fungus.
梗草各种草的硬花梗 The stiff stalk of various grasses.
我一整天都在锄园子里的草。 I spent the whole day weeding in the garden.
禁止向16岁以下的儿童出售烟草. It's forbidden to sell tobacco to children under 16.
茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。 The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats.
木屑床垫填满草杆或木屑的一床薄垫子 A thin mattress filled with straw or sawdust.
他用两小时左右的时间草草拟出了故事的大纲。 He batted out an outline of a story in about two hours.
我宁愿在花园锄草,也不愿在运动场上跑来跑去。 I would rather hoe in the garden than run about on the playground.
象中国一样,美国继承了幅员辽阔的国土,有一望无际的丛山峻岭,沃土良田和无边草原。 Like you, we inherited a vast land of endless skies, tall mountains, rich fields, and open prairies.
请勿践踏草坪。 Keep off the grass.
谁将起草起诉状? Who will draft the indictment?
他草率地回答了一声`不!' `No!' was his curt rejoinder.
先把地平整好再植草坪. The ground should be levelled before you plant a lawn.
除酒之外, 烟草在多数国家都要徵税. Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.
你能辩认出这些潦草的字迹是什麽意思吗? Can you work out what these squiggles mean?
把文章写在练习簿里, 不要写在草稿纸上. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper.
由潦草的记录而形成的文章;由长期相识而产生的信任 An article that grew out of a few scribbled notes; trust that grew out of long acquaintance.
植物学家栽培、采集草或专门研究(尤指药草)其用处的人 One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.