春雨带来了夏日百花。 Spring rains bring summer flowers.
天花板很低, 留神别碰头. Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling.
在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。 There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden.
收集这些邮票花了我一百块钱。 It cost me 100 dollars to collect the stamps.
他每天早晨花两个小时练习赛跑。 Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.
我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。 It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.
你多花点时间学习课文是有好处的. You could with profit spend some extra time studying the text.
那青年通过每天给那女子送花而向她求爱。 The young man courted the young lady by bring her flowers every day.
棉花容易着火。 Cotton catches fire easily.
我编了一个花环。 I wove a garland of flowers.
花园的宽度为六米。 The garden is six meters in width.
我们在花园里种了许多蔬菜。 We've grown many vegetables in our garden.
黄昏时分她常常坐在花园里。 She often sits in the garden at twilight.
她穿了一件带有精致花边的裙子。 She wears a dress with delicate lace.
他花了半个小时做完这项工作。 It took him half an hour to finish the work.
夏天时,山坡上长满了花草。 The hillside is covered by grass and flowers in summer.
修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。 It takes a lot of labor to build a railway.
这个花园离市中心只有五分钟的路程。 The park is only five minutes from downtown.
对我来说,拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。 It's too much of an expense for me to own a car.
他们奖给优胜者一些水果和鲜花。 They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers.
他为我们介绍了花园中对称的布局。 He introduced to us the symmetrical arrangement of the garden.
他在那个伸出到街上的阳台上种了些花。 He planted some flowers on the balcony that projects over the street.
这房间里有一种香气,使人想起春天的花朵。 There is an aroma suggestive of spring flowers in the room.
等所有的植物都开花时,花园会显得非常漂亮。 The garden will look very beautiful when all the plants are in flower.
我买不起像特德那样的照相机。这要花好大一笔钱。 I can't possibly afford to buy a camera like Ted's. It costs the earth.
我把赚的钱都花光了。 I've spent all my earnings.
五月里各种植物鲜花盛开。 In May, all kinds of plants are in full bloom.
组织这样大规模的聚会要花费许多时间和精力。 The organization of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy.
花发出一阵幽香。 The flowers gave off a fragrant odor.
他把花茎折断,汁液就流了出来。 The sap flowed out when he broke the stem of the flower.
他仅有的消遣是喝啤酒和在花园里种花草。 His only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden.
郁金香在春天开出颜色鲜亮的杯状的花朵。 Tulip grows large brightly-colored cup-shaped flower in spring.
庄园主宅第是一栋环抱在美丽的花园中的大理石房子。 The manor is a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden.
开出鲜艳花朵的爬藤植物瀑布般悬挂在花园墙上。 Climbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.
这世上有些人把整个时间花费于搜寻正义,却腾不出时间来付诸实践。 Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
窗帘上绘有精美的花卉图案。 The curtains had an elaborate pattern of flowers.
我丢了一块带蓝色花边的白手绢。 I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.
空气中有熏衣草和迷迭香花的味道。 There is a lavender scent and rosemary scent in the air.
你能相信我只花了25美元就买了一台电视吗? Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?
天竺葵是种开红、粉红或白色花的花园植物。 The geranium is a garden plant with red, pink or white flowers.
我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱? Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?
一道耀眼的闪光,把人们的眼睛都照花了……紧接着轰隆隆传来一声巨雷。 And then there came a blinding flash… and hard upon the heels of it, a great tow-row of thunder.
你送花来, 想得真周到. It was very thoughtful of you to send flowers.
这个花瓶的年代比那个的早. This vase is of an earlier date (ie is older) than that one.
她花了整整一个下午整理邮票。 She spent a whole afternoon sorting out her stamps.
这朵花是雄花。 This flower is a male flower.
她往瓶子里插了些小花。 She arranged some flowerets in the vase.
她的裙子有非常精致的花边。 Her skirt has very exquisite lace.
蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉. Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.
他的花白的头发显示出了他的年龄。 His hoary hair showed his age.
我可以闻到雨后鲜花的清香。 I can smell the fragrance of flowers after showers.
我把一棵花种到了新买的花盆里。 I potted up a flower in the newly bought flowerpot.
修理教堂结构的花费非常大。 The cost of repairing the fabric of the church was very high.
印度向许多国家出口茶叶和棉花. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries.
我负担不起带花园的大房子的维护费. I can't afford the upkeep of a large house and garden.
把我的电视机修好要花去我10000日元。 It cost me ten thousand yen to have my television set repaired.
抬起这只沉重的箱子要花费相当大的力气。 It's quite an effort to lift this heavy box.
完成这个工程花费了他们十亿多美元。 It took them more than one billion dollars to complete the project.
这张照片没有真实地反映出花园的丰富色彩. The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens.
她花起钱来大手大脚了,事情很明显,钱是偷来的。 She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it.
我用鲜花装饰房间。 I ornamented my room with flowers.
她用鲜花装饰卧室。 She decorated her bedroom with flowers.
随便摘花的人会被罚款。 They will impose a fine on anyone who should pick flowers at will.
我们头顶上的天花板上吊著一盏灯. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.
他们沿着报春花盛开的河岸边走边聊。 They walked along the primrose bank chatting.
花朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。 The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp.
我打开了邮件,惊讶地发现了一个打碎的花瓶。 I opened my mail and was surprised to see a broken vase.
今晚大概会有霜冻,一定要把花草都遮盖好。 It may freeze tonight, so make sure the plant should be covered.
我动手搬那些瓷制饰物,但在移动时摔了一只花瓶。 I started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the process.
花园里的泥土松软肥沃。 The earth in the garden is good, soft soil.
她在花园里种了一些紫罗兰。 She planted some violets in the garden.
花园呈缓坡向河边倾斜. The garden sloped gently downwards towards the river.
巧妙的广告诱使人花钱. Clever advertisements are just temptations to spend money.
这种花在温暖的气候中长得茂盛. This species of flower flourishes in a warm climate.
噪声很大, 她用棉花团把耳朵堵上了. The noise was so loud that she put wads of cotton wool in her ears.
给花园施些肥料吧! Do some fertilization for the garden!
你能闻到玫瑰花的香味吗? Can you smell the perfume of the roses?
这些花因缺水而渐渐枯萎。 The flowers are wilting for lack of water.
直到很晚之后,欧洲才知道棉花布料。 Cotton material was not known in Europe until much later.
她花言巧语也未能打动他们卖掉别墅。 All her wiles were not enough to persuade them to sell the villa.
她将其全部积蓄都花在了去埃及有这趟旅行上了。 She spend all her savings on a trip to Egypt.
我不敢把比尔放到花园去--他会把花全都拔掉的。 I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers.
一幢子要弄成那种舒适、安定的家的模样,得花一段时间。 It takes time for a house to acquire that lived-in appearance.
我花了50英镑在商场上买了一件所谓的便宜瓷器,结果却是一文不值。我只得把此事引以为训。 I paid fifty pounds in the market for a so-called bargain piece of porcelain which turned out to be worthless; I'll just have to chalk it up to experience.
苹果树正在开花。 The apple trees are blossoming.
他送给女友一束花。 He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend.
雪花轻轻拍打着窗户。 Snowflakes were patting against the window.
设想有一所带大花园的房子. Imagine a house with a big garden.
小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民. The pub was full of tweedy farmers.
我想我找到了简便方法,给钱而不是花时间。 I think I'll take the easy way out and give money instead of time.
花瓶已经粉碎了. The vase shattered into a thousand pieces.
给花园再多施些肥料. Get some more fertilizer for the garden.
他每次将一粒花生扔进嘴里。 He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time.
别再为我们花的每个小钱费心思了. Stop niggling about every penny we spend.
他特地为这一典礼空运来了鲜花. He had flowers specially flown in forthe ceremony.
我痛苦地看着这个破得粉碎的花瓶。 I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces.
建造这座建筑物花了好几个月时间。 The erection of the building took several months.
我带你出去用餐, 花费多少都无所谓. I'm going to take you out to dinner, no expense spared.
别怪他打碎那个花瓶, 他毕竟是小孩子嘛。 Don't blame him for breaking that vase; after all he is a child.
即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要把它完成。 Even if it will take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.
梅花是王牌. Clubs is/are trumps.
我送她一束丁香花。 I gave her a bunch of lilac.
火花塞要清理一下了. The sparking-plugs need cleaning.
她把垫子绣上了花. She embroidered the cushion with flowers.
花瓣在阳光下张开了. The petals of the flowers expanded in the sunshine.
烟火炸开放出一阵火花. The firework exploded in a shower of sparks.
那棵植物开着鲜艳的小紫花。 The plant has a brilliant purple floweret.
我会寂寞,若非有鸟也有花。 I should be lonely, were it not for the birds and the flowers.
我母亲上星期没有给花园里浇水。 My mother didn't water the garden last week.
他给我们搭的花园棚屋很没水平. He made a very unprofessional job of putting up the garden shed for us.
他白费力气想抓住停在花上的蝴蝶。 He tried in vain to catch the butterfly on the flower.
兰花和报春花之类的野花越来越少了. Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.
有一只蝴蝶正在花丛里忽上忽下地飞着。 A butterfly is flying up and down among the flowers.
我祖母不惜花费地让她儿子念完了大学。 My grandmother at all price strove to get her son through college.
我们已经把今年拨给我们的全部经费都花光了. We've spent our entire allocation for the year.
要是你花的比我们挣的还多,我们就要欠债了。 We'll run into debt if you spend more than our income.
从新娘的花束上垂下来的丝带打成了一个结。 Ribbon hung from the bride's bouquet was tied in a bow.
请将漆罐和刷子递给我,我要在天花板上再刷一层。 Please pass up the paint pot and brush; I will put another coat on the ceiling.
紧身马甲妇女穿的有花边的外衣,如背心一样穿在外衣的上面 A woman's laced outer garment, worn like a vest over a blouse.
我比同伴们聪明,因为我花在灯油上的钱比他们落的酒钱还多。 I become wiser than my companion because I spend more in oil than they in wine.
你总共要花7.50英镑. That will cost you 7.50 in total.
玫瑰花从未如此盛开过。 The rosebush was never so flowery before.
这些幼苗不久将栽到花坛中去。 These young plants will soon be ready for bedding in borders.
中国人把莲花看作是纯洁的象征。 Chinese people regard lotus as an emblem of purity.
用那样的花招欺负一个老太太, 可真卑鄙. That was a scurvy trick to play on an old lady.
你那只狗竟然把我的水仙花全给扒出来了。 That dog of yours has been and dug up all my daffodils!
时髦花样的变迁,是穷人的辛勤对有钱人的虚荣征收的税款。 Change in fashion is the tax which the industry of the poor levi on the vanity of the rich.
我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。 Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.
一瓶花生酱多少钱? How much is a jar of peanut butter?
花朵下面的萼片枯萎了。 The sepals under the flower wilted.
孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑。 The children were scampering around the garden.
到时候树就落叶、 花就掉瓣. Trees shed their leaves and flowers shed their petals.
许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。 The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.
我舍不得把这麽多钱花在穿衣服上. I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.
一篮子一篮子摘下来的棉花;退了毛的火鸡 Baskets of picked cotton; a picked turkey.
天花板坍塌了, 碎砖破瓦掉落到了屋里. The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room.
我准备到汉普敦的苗圃去买些花草. I'm going to the nursery/nurseries in Hampton to buy some plants.
大队花了6000元钱买了一台磨面机。 The brigade bought a flour-milling machine for6000 yuan.
街道布满了花朵以迎接王室成员莅临. The streets were strewn with flowers for the royal visit.
蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。 Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.
毛茛是一种野生植物,开杯形黄色花。 The buttercup is a wild plant with bright yellow cup-shaped flowers.
花这麽一点钱也要去请示, 真烦人. It's annoying to have to get authorization for spending such piddling amounts of money.
在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。 It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
一位漂亮花园的资深培育者;进行有价值的公司联络的人 An inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens; a cultivator of valuable corporate contacts.
西洋樱草一种杂交的园林樱草,开有由各色花朵组成的花簇 Any of a group of hybrid garden primroses having clusters of variously colored flowers.
坚果种子生长在有硬壳的果实之内的种子,如花生、杏或核桃 A seed borne within a fruit having a hard shell, as in the peanut, almond, or walnut.
蔬菜因其可食部分而种植的植物,如甜菜根、菠菜叶或者椰菜、花椰菜的花蕾等 A plant cultivated for an edible part, such as the root of the beet, the leaf of spinach, or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower.
这两个花样我都不喜欢。 I like neither of the designs. (=I don't like either of the designs.)
理事们花了大半个钟头反复认真讨论了这个问题。 The trustees spent the best part of an hour chewing the matter over.
这个花园直伸展到河岸. The garden extends to the river bank.
百花齐放,万紫千红。 Flowers are blooming in a riot of color.
这个地区过去大量种棉花。 This district grew cotton on a large scale.
她用步子量出了花园的长度。 She paced out the length of the garden.
我准备花多少钱是有限度的. There's a limit to how much I'm prepared to spend.
他总是把时间花在毫无意义的事上。 He always spend his time to no purpose.
那件混纺的确良衬衣花了我九块钱。 That mixed dacron shirt cost me nine yuan.
一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 A single flower does not make a spring.
每年都要花费大量金钱在烟草上。 A high amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.
那消息给加了花边,使之更加引人注目。 The news was boxed in to draw more attention.
粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间。 It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.
每年都要花费大量金钱在广告上。 A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year.
他人极聪明,毫无诚意的花言巧语骗不了他。 He was too wise to be imposed upon by fair words spoken without sincerity.
我们的钱省著花要是能富余出来,我倒是很想去度假。 I'd love a holiday if our money will stretch that far.
构思这本书只用了五分钟,但写这本书却花了一年。 The conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a year.
花园城市设计能提供具有低密度建筑和开阔公共土地的宜人环境的居民区或居住地 A residential suburb or community planned so as to provide a pleasant environment with low-density housing and open public land.
鲜花到处盛开。 The flowers are blooming everywhere.
桃花都已经开过了。 The peach blossoms are over.
桃花的美丽难以形容。 The beauty of the peach blossom is beyond description.
这个花园布局很好, 有许多宜人小径. The garden is well laid out, with many pleasant walks.
尘土受到损辱,却以她的花朵来报答。 The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers.
我负责偿还他们为我而用的全部花费. I undertook to indemnify them for expenses incurred on my behalf.
那位职员用算盘将上周的花销计算出来。 The clerk reckoned the expenditure last week with an abacus.
参加协商的人花了十个小时才敲定一桩生意。 It take the negotiator ten hours to nail down a deal.
我弟弟用这部车时毫不爱惜,害得我花一大笔修理费。 My brother's careless treatment of the car has run me in for a large repair bill.
满地是苹果树上飘落下来的花瓣,地上一片雪白。 The ground was as white as snow with petals that had drifted down from the apple trees.
如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。 The dowry will be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally.
小钉板一种用木钉可塞入的孔做成花样的用来玩游戏的板 A board perforated with a pattern of holes into which pegs can be fitted for playing certain games.
格雷在一小块地下开始种花,如今他的生意确实十分红火,英格兰各地都有他的花店。 Gray started growing flowers on a small piece of land. Now he has really made it big and owns flower shops all over England.
想到我们把所有的钱都花在儿子的教育上,而他却所想去一家沉闷的工厂工作,我感到很伤心。 It breads my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son's education and all he wants to do is work in a dreary factory.
我喜欢樱花。 I like oriental cherry.
玫瑰花正在盛开。 The roses are blooming!
梗草各种草的硬花梗 The stiff stalk of various grasses.
池塘边有许多花。 There are many flowers on the brink of the pond.
有人看见他在花园中徘徊。 He was seen hanging about in the garden.
为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。 She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion.
她在晚礼服上缀著一朵兰花. She wore a single orchid on her evening dress.
那条狗在花园里刨出一根骨头. The dog scratched up a bone in the garden.
父亲在花园里掘出一枚古钱币。 Father dug up an old coin in the garden.
我们到公园去看日本樱花。 We went to the park to see Japanese cherry blossoms.
花园里的空气又温暖又芬芳。 The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.
木匠店的地板上满是刨花. The floor of the carpenter's shop was covered with shavings.
它是一种有菊花味的特别茶叶。 It was a special tea which tasted of chrysanthemum.
她写信来咨询玫瑰花的栽培方法。 She wrote in for advice on how to grow roses.
他用剪子连花带茎都剪下来。 He cut off the flowers at the stalk with a pair of scissors.
我们让他们在花园里劈木柴. We set them to chop wood/set them to work chopping wood in the garden.
现在不是奢侈花钱买新立体音响的时候. This is no time to lash out on a new stereo.
这些花是用来对您的恩惠略表谢意的. These flowers are a small acknowledgement of your great kindness.
为了把烦恼忘却,他让自己忙于花园的工作。 To forget his trouble, he busied himself in his garden .
这花瓶底部没有那几个小斑点就十全十美了. This vase would be perfect but for a few small flaws in its base.
我宁愿在花园锄草,也不愿在运动场上跑来跑去。 I would rather hoe in the garden than run about on the playground.
他们花了几年的时间,精打细算,省吃俭用,终于使航海度假成为现实。 It took years of planning and saving, but their sea-going vacation came true at last.
看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。 It's amusing to watch members jockeying for the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle.
我的目光没有聚焦,以致我没有看到特别的目标,仅仅是那川流不息的彩色万花筒。 I throw my eyes out of focus, so that I see no particular object but only a seething kaleidoscope of colors.
桃花蓓蕾枯萎了。 The peach buds aborted.
寒风摧残了初绽的花朵. The icy breeze nipped the young blooms.
我不愿花这麽多钱买次品. I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods.
玛丽和我隔着花园篱笆交谈。 Mary talked with me across the garden fence.
这银花瓶上刻有花卉浮雕图案。 The silver vase is embossed with a design of flower.
花花公子在服饰和举止方面极其文雅的人;纨绔子弟 A man who affects extreme elegance in clothes and manners; a fop.
是我看错了,还是这些确实是你们在那个花盆里栽的兰花? Do my eyes deceive me, or are those real orchids you have growing in that pot?
长在植物上面的花就是它们的生殖器官,那岂不是妙得很吗? Isn't it odd that flowers are the reproductive organs of the plants they grow on?
"那些男孩一直在花园里点火堆。""他们又在搞这名堂了,是不是?" "The boys have been lighting fires in the garden." "So they're at it again, are they? "
花岗伟晶岩一种有时富含铀、钨和钽等稀有元素的粗纹理花岗岩 A coarse-grained granite, sometimes rich in rare elements such as uranium, tungsten, and tantalum.
菱形花纹的织物一种图案为小菱形叠复花型装饰的白棉布或亚麻布 A white cotton or linen fabric patterned with small, duplicative diamond-shaped figures.
印花薄织物由羊毛、棉花或人造纤维做成的一种轻便柔软的通常印花的织物 A soft, lightweight, usually printed fabric made of wool, cotton, or rayon.
桂冠用月桂编成的花环,古时作为一种荣誉的标志授予诗人、英雄和体育竞赛中的优胜者 A wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests.
贴花转印法把印在(尤指)准备好的纸张上的图画或图案转印到玻璃或金属等材料上的程序 The process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal.
芽,萌芽茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或花 A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
迪克一开始舍不得花钱去看医生,如果,他的心脏病日趋严重。这真是贪小失大,得不偿失。 Dick's heart trouble became worse because he wouldn't spend money to see a doctor at the beginning; he was indeed penny wise and pound foolish.
还有,尽管这光芒使人眼花缭乱,但它确实传送了一种我们未曾经历的和无法想象的美和静谧的启示。 And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater that we have known or imagined.