在这个陌生的地方,我觉得很不自在。 I don't feel at ease in the strange place.
他对未来感到轻松自在并且充满信心。 He felt at ease and confident about the future.
我出身於工人阶级, 在上流社会中感到很不自在. With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-society people.
尽管我以前从未为银行工作过,但我觉得在银行工作非常舒适自在,因为我曾为一位会计师工作过,而且我习惯于同数字打交道。 Although I've never worked for a bank before, I feel quite at home there because I used to work for an accountant and I'm used to dealing with figures.
在自然界, 一切动物都是野生的, 自由自在的. In nature, all animals are wild and free.
你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。 Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable.
举止或风度的自在或优雅 Ease or cheerfulness in manner or style.