电视机设定在10点钟自动打开。 The video is programmed to switch on at ten o'clock.
闪光装置如广告宣传告示上的一种自动点燃或熄灭电灯的装置 A device that automatically switches an electric lamp off and on, as in a commercial display sign.
超级市场的门是自动关的. The supermarket doors shut automatically.
装配过程的这一部分现在是全自动的. This part of the assembly process is now fully automated.
这个暖气系统有自动化的温度调节系统。 This heating system has an automatic temperature control.
半导体在自动化和信号上面即将起着重要作用。 Semiconductors are going to play an important part in automation and signalling.
我们的薪金每年会自动增长。 We get an automatic increase in pay every year.
这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。 The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile.
拣信室安装了自动拣信机之後, 许多拣信员都失业了. Many workers in the sorting office lost their jobs when an automatic sorter was introduced.
眼睛能自动调节以便观看远近不同的景物。 The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances.
人类通过自动化扩展了人类神经系统的功能思维和决断的才能。 He extends his nervous system and his thinking and decision-making faculties through automation.
在柜台可以买到供自动售烟机使用的代币. Tokens for the cigarette machine are available at the bar.
我在银行拿十块钱的纸币兑换了零钱,因为我需要一些硬币投入自动售票机。 I changed a ten-yuan note at the bank, because I needed some coins for the ticket machine.
每次创建或更改一个条目时,会自动按字母顺序排列。 It is automatically alphabetized every time an entry is created or changed.
点射由于扣动扳机而从自动武器中射出的一定数量的子弹 The number of bullets fired from an automatic weapon by one pull of the trigger.
下次再到一个需要使Shockwave的网站时,Shockwave控制程序就会自动装载并播放电影。 The next time you go to a"Shocked" website, the Shockwave control loads and plays the movie.