他胜任新闻广播员的工作,在於他有当过记者的锻炼。 His strength as a news-reader lies in his training as a journalist.
他所受的教育使他能胜任那个职位。 The education he has received fits him for the post.
这是件艰巨的工作, 但她是能胜任的. It's a difficult job but she's the person to carry it through.
玛丽胜任教师的工作吗? Is Mary competent as a teacher?
谁也不怀疑她能胜任教师工作。 No one doubts her competence as a teacher.
请萨姆写那篇社论好了,他能胜任。 Get Sam to write that editorial. He haw what it takes.