他们俩都想得到这职位。 They both try for the position.
这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。 All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8.
牧师每星期二作履行神职的访问。 The priest makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.
职员们在专心工作。 The clerks are at work attentively.
她希望争取到总统职位。 She hopes to win the presidency.
你必须熟悉自己的新职务。 You must acquaint yourself with your new duties.
他己被悄悄地免掉主任的职务。 He has been quietly booted out as chief.
维护公共秩序是警察的职责。 It's the duty of the police to preserve the public order.
他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。 He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary.
我通过职业介绍所找到了这份工作。 I got this job through an employment agency.
他所受的教育使他能胜任那个职位。 The education he has received fits him for the post.
毕业前,我们会接受一些职业训练。 We will have some vocational training before graduation.
那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.
护理工作既是职业又是救死扶伤的责任。 Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession.
主席一职由委员会的成员轮流担任。 The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee.
你不能以疲劳为理由就这样对待职工. Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way.
许多妇女把她们的全部精力投入到职业中。 Many women throw all of their energies into a career.
她放弃职业结婚以后有一种失落感。 She experienced a loss of identity after giving up her career to get married.
只要红灯一亮,就表示有危及职工的险情。 Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employee.
我必须找一个人,在我离开期间代理我的职务。 I must find someone to act as a deputy for me during my absence.
她丰富的经验使她比其他求职者具有有利条件。 Her rich experience gave her an advantage over other applicants for the job.
对于求职者,我们优先考虑有一定经验的人。 In considering people for jobs, we give preference to those with some experience.
我们的职员少一些也能发挥同样效率, 这是言之成理的. It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff.
专业人员的助手受过训练辅助专门人员的非专职人员 A trained worker who is not a member of a given profession but assists a professional.
士兵的职业是打仗。 The trade of the soldier is war.
我现在辞去主席职位,交由我的副手接替。 I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy.
他因为玩忽职守而失去工作,罪有应得。 It served him right to lose that job, because he neglected it.
她宁可辞职也不愿参与这种不正当的买卖. She would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals.
油轮需求量的下降使很多工作职位受到威胁。 A fall in demand for oil tankers has put jobs in jeopardy.
我们的秘书刚刚辞职, 下星期特别令人担心. Next week will be particularly fraught as we've just lost our secretary.
经理拥有居于高职位所具备的职责和特权。 The manager has the duties and privileges appertaining to his high office.
公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇. The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.
经理企图以解雇来威胁,迫使职工更卖力气。 The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal.
有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。 Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them.
一天的这段时间有数以百万计的职工从工厂和办公场所涌向街头. The shops and offices pour millions of workers into the street at this time of day.
军人在未获上级军官允许的情况下擅离职守。 Be away from duties without the permission of a superior officer.
他从初级职员做起,最终成了这家公司的董事。 He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director.
她用欺骗手法取得了理科教员的职位,她谎称曾在大学读过书。 She got the job of science teacher by fraudulent means; she pretended she'd studied at university.
请说明姓名、年龄和职业。 Please state your name, age and occupation.
综合各种因素之後她决定辞职。 A combination of factors led to her decision to resign.
他们设法欺骗弗雷德放弃在董事会的职位. They jockeyed Fred out of his position on the board.
他承认自己不够条件[没有资格]担任那个职务. He recognized his lack of qualifications/that he was not qualified for the post.
政府行使统治或管理职能的机关、职能部门或当局 The office, function, or authority of one who governs or of a governing body.
警察组成这样一个部门的一群人,他们被专门训练来掌握执行法律和防止并侦破犯罪行为的方法,被授予维护一个社区的和平、安全和秩序的职权 A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.
刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层 The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.
他因玩忽职守而被开除了。 He is dismissed for neglecting of duty.
对这一职位他是否适宜很成问题. His suitability for the post is open to question.
在我们大多数办公室任职的是志愿人员。 Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.
军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
我不去问他求职面试的情况, 这是他现在的伤心事. I wouldn't ask him about his job interview; it's rather a sore point with him at the moment.
现时去国营企业就职的想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。 The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.
我正在找兼职工作。 I'm looking for a part-time job.
下岗职工陷入贫困。 Laid-off workers fall into penury.
她想找一个兼职工作。 She wants to find a part-time job.
权利和职责是分不开的. Rights are inseparable from duties.
他不顾同事的劝告辞了职. He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned.
兼职音乐教师定期到校授课. Peripatetic music teachers visit the school regularly.
保障社会的安全是警察的职责. It is the business of the police to protect the community.
经理收到了二十份求职申请书。 The manager received twenty applications for the post.
他在执行职务中遇到许多阻力. In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance.
我其实是个教师,写作只是我的兼职。 Actually I'm a teacher, my writing is just a sideline.
他那不光彩历史的揭露导致了他的辞职。 The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
警察怀疑银行职员与强盗有勾结。 The police suspected that the bank clerk was in league with the rubbers.
部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。 The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation.
甚至他最知己的朋友也劝阻他去寻求更高的职位。 Even his closest friends discouraged him from seeking higher office.
示威抗议者驻扎在职业大楼之外进行示威的人或一群人 A person or group of persons present outside a building to protest.
油轮需求量下降使造船业成千上万的工作职位受到威胁. A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.
由于酗酒,迈克尔谋职时每次都遭拒绝。 Because of his drinking, Michael was refused a job at every turn.
我们难以招募到素质好的职员。 We are having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.
经理敦促年纪较大的职员提前退休。 The manager urged older staff to take up early retirement.
装订术,业装订书本的技艺、行业或职业 The art, trade, or profession of binding books.
本人欲应聘今天<中国日报>上刊登的征聘行政秘书一职。 I am applying for the position of executive secretary, advertised in today's China Daily.
他的职业是经商。 He is a merchant in occupation.
那位官员必须免职。 That officer must be removed.
这份职业具有挑战性。 This career offers a challenge.
她担任同一职务已20年. She had been in the same post for 20 years.
克林顿就职美国总统。 Mr. Clinton was inaugurated as the President of the U.S.A.
任职时间最长的官员事事优先. The longest-serving officer always takes precedence.
你应该签个合同使你任职合乎规定手续. You should sign a contract to make your job situation regular.
总统生病时, 其职务交由副总统代理. When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice-President.
那个会计向营业部的职员介绍了自己的工作情况. The accountant described his work to the sales staff.
护理人员,医务辅助人员一种受过进行紧急医务护理或辅助专职医护人员训练的人 A person who is trained to give emergency medical treatment or assist medical professionals.
我职掌财务。 I am in charge of financial affairs.
超越职权范围做某事 Go beyond one's duty in doing sth.
我受够了,所以辞职不干了。 I've had enough, so I quit.
权限,职权这样授予的权力 The authority so granted.
他正考虑从委员会中辞职。 He is considering resignation from the committee.
有传闻说主管已经辞职了. There's a buzz going round that the boss has resigned.
他辞去军职而从事平民工作. He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.
他已由仓库调到会计室任职. He has transferredfrom the warehouse to the accounts office.
这位部长为反对那项决策而辞职. The minister resigned in protest against the decision.
我劝他不要急急忙忙递交辞职书。 I dissuade him from rush in to submit his resignation.
我劝他不要冲进去,递交辞职书。 I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.
在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。 The America Civil War was broken out during the presidency of Lincoln.
为这样的小事辞职未免愚蠢而轻率。 It would be foolish and impetuous to resign over such a trivial matter.
那位职员用算盘将上周的花销计算出来。 The clerk reckoned the expenditure last week with an abacus.
公司的事情已经到了这种地步, 因此他正在考虑辞职. Things have come to such a state in the company that he's thinking of resigning.
他在明知他的性命有可能受到威胁的情况下接任了那职位。 He took over the post in the knowledge that it might endanger his life.
马克曾想谋求秘书的职位,但因提出太迟,错过了被考虑录用的时机。 Mark tried for the post of secretary, but was too late to be considered for it.
考克斯兄弟雇了一个尽职的鬼魂替他们干了大部分事情,这件事终于变成了公认的事实。 In time, it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.
经过长时间调查后,撤消了对经理失职罪的指控,并免除了他对导致工厂烧毁的失火事故的责任。 After a long inquiry, the Manager was exonerated from the charge of neglect and from any responsibility for the fire that destroyed the factory.
职权的弊端 Abuse of power.
总统必须当众宣誓就职. The President has to be sworn in publicly.
他因疏忽被解除了职务。 He was relieved of his post because of his carelessness.
那个贼被旅店的巡察职员抓住了. The thief was caught by the hotel dick.
他的辞职引起了相当大的轰动。 His resignation made/caused/created quite a stir.
该大臣已示意他明年可能辞职. The minister has indicated that he may resign next year.
她在一封长信里阐明了辞职原因. She set out the reasons for her resignation in a long letter.
他因滥用职权而破坏了政治声誉。 His political reputation was tainted by his abuse of the power.
依照常规大臣在这种情况下应该辞职. Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.
这位下级行政官员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有待某人死后或退休后才能步其后尘,谋取其职。 The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man's shoes.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
他喜欢对下级职员逞威风. He likes to lord it over the junior staff.
你听到她打算辞职的传闻了吗? Have you heard of her intention to resign?
我星期五辞职後当天就离开了。 I resigned on Friday and left that same day.
她泰然自若地履行王妃的职责. She performs the duties of a princess with great aplomb.
她泰然自若地履行王妃的职责。 She perform the duties of a princess with great aplomb.
`部长, 你是要辞职吗?'`无可奉告.' `Will you resign, Minister?' `No comment!'
银行的职员从格栅後面看著顾客. The bank clerk peered at the customer through/from behind the grille.
小职员迪克很快就被排挤出了这家店铺。 Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop.
法官职位,法官权力法官的职位或权力(权限) The office or jurisdiction of a judge.
某女士已被提名任董事职务[任命为新董事]. Ms X has been named for the directorship/named as the new director.
这些问题揭发後, 有几个大臣辞职了. As a result of these exposures (ie facts being made known to the public) several ministers resigned from the government.
同事同行、职员或学院教工的同僚之一;同事 A fellow member of a profession, a staff, or an academic faculty; an associate.
肥缺能带来优势,如利益或威望的职位、任命或地位 A position, an appointment, or a rank giving advancement, as of profit or prestige.
罗马教廷公使职位低于罗马教皇使节的梵蒂冈的外交使者或代表 A Vatican diplomatic envoy or representative ranking just beneath a nuncio.
于是,村办学校继续办下去,至少暂时能这样,让我们为现在的职员高呼万岁! So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent.
难怪他们的队打败了我们;他们请了一个冒名为丹·史密斯的职业队员替他们投球。 No wonder their team beat us; they rang in a professional to pitch for them under the name of Dan Smith.