那绝对不要紧. It doesn't matter in the least.
我认为那绝对必要。 I consider it absolutely necessary.
我觉得这是绝对必要的。 I feel it is absolutely necessary.
士兵已训练得绝对服从命令. Soldiers are trained to obey without question.
军人应当绝对服从命令。 Soldiers are expected to obey their orders without question.
他要求追随者对他绝对服从. He demands unquestioning obedience from his followers.
那件大衣看来是绝对旧得穿不出去了. That overcoat is looking decidedly past it.
你绝对有把握? You're absolutely certain?
他的拒绝对我们是一个无情的打击。 His refusal was a merciless blow to us.
这些音乐家作了一场绝对完美的演出。 These musicians gave an absolutely faultless performance.
该公司对法国酒的进口有绝对的垄断。 The company had the absolute monopoly of import of french wine.
就模拟输入而言,使模数转换器不能区别其变化的超范围的绝对电压值。超载值对于正输入和负输入可能不同。 For analog inputs, any absolute voltage value above which the analog-to- digital converter cannot distinguish a change. The overload value can be different for plus and minus inputs.
哦,对不起。允许我更正一下,这件古董绝对是真的。 Oh, I'm sorry, but if I may correct you, this is absolutely real.
把国家公园私营化? 他们绝对不敢, 对吗? Privatize the national parks? They'd never dare, would they?
专制如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威 Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority.
经理化检验证实:使用该器无放射性污染,对人体绝对无毒无副作用。 Physical and chemical tests verify that this Recovery Device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects.