只要我们紧密团结就能克服困难。 We can surely overcome these difficulties as long as we are closely united.
人类的种种经验都证明了爱与怕之间的紧密联系。 All kinds of human experience testify to the close link between love and fear.
紧密的物质上牢固的或致密的 Firm or compact in substance.
结细绳、绸带或粗绳等材料交织而形成的紧密联接 A compact intersection of interlaced material, such as cord, ribbon, or rope.
让我们更紧密地团结在党中央的周围,去争取更大的胜利。 Let us rally closer round the Party Central Committee to win still greater victories.
罗缎有窄的横棱纹的一种丝或人造丝的紧密织物 A closely woven silk or rayon fabric with narrow horizontal ribs.
并排横排紧密地一个挨一个地排列着的士兵、交通工具或装备 A line of soldiers, vehicles, or equipment standing side by side in close order.