胶囊里充满了可溶的小颗粒。 The capsule is filled with small soluble cases.
当一束光线穿进暗淡的房间时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。 We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.
将地上的谷粒捡起来。 Pick up the grains on the ground.
谷粒禾谷类作物的一个颗粒 A single grain of a cereal plant.
他每次将一粒花生扔进嘴里。 He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time.
衰变的具有相对较短的寿命而衰变,常用于亚原子粒子 Decaying with relatively short lifetime. Used of subatomic particles.
水晶石石英断片,直径4到64毫米(0。16到2。51英寸),尤指天然圆形的石英颗粒 A rock fragment between4 and64 millimeters(0.16 and2.51 inches) in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded.
引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量 A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
粗磨粉谷类植物完全或粗磨的可食用颗粒 The edible whole or coarsely ground grains of a cereal grass.
火山灰火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质 Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.
振动在一个平衡位置附近一个粒子或弹性固体迅速的直线运动 A rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position.
石棉沉着病由长期吸收石棉微粒而引起的慢性,日趋严重的肺病 A chronic, progressive lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of asbestos particles.
粒面的在明暗区间有显著分界的;不平滑的。用于相片和电影胶片 Having sharp divisions between light and dark patches; not smooth. Used of photographs and film.
微陨星微小的陨星颗粒,特指大量坠向地球或月球表面的微陨星 A tiny particle of meteoric dust, especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon.