他笨手笨脚的漏接了球。 He fumbled the ball and then dropped it.
穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真难受。 It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.
他是个笨手笨脚的[古里古怪的]家伙. He's an awkward/queer old cuss.
昨天发生的事故应该归咎于他的愚笨。 The accident happened yesterday owed to his foolishness.
你这个笨家伙!这是你今天打坏的第二个玻璃杯。 You clumsy oaf ---that's the second glass you've broken today.
你本来不该笨得单独去爬山。 You should have known better than to go mountain climbing alone.
她笨极了, 什麽事都要给她解释得明明白白. She's so stupid that you have to spell everything out.
他们是一群笨蛋. They're a load of morons.
蠢话,蠢事愚蠢的言语或笨拙的行为 A foolish or stupid utterance or deed.
那时他正穿着笨重的靴子走来走去。 He was clumping about in heavy boots that time.
他是个笨拙的孩子,经常笨手笨脚地把东西摔破。 He was an awkward child, always falling over himself and breaking things.
粗鄙的乡下人具有粗鄙者特点的,笨拙的,愚蠢的,乡下人的 Having the characteristics of a lout; awkward, stupid, and boorish.
你这个该死的大笨蛋! You frigging idiot!
笨蛋被看作软弱、傻或愚蠢的人 A person regarded as weak, foolish, or stupid.
把他说成是英雄、 天才、 笨蛋, 不一而足. He was variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool.
一个笨重的、凶恶的脑袋紧挨着艾尔的脸露出来了。 A heavy, evil head appeared, right next to Al's face.
磨房过去使用笨重的石磨把麦磨成面粉;现在它们使用的是比较现代的机械。 Mills used to use heavy stones to grind down the wheat into flour; now they use more modern machinery.