我们决定立刻去火车站。 We determined to go to the railway station at once.
他看到她父亲走进来就站了起来。 He got to his feet when he saw her father came in.
他带这个人走过街道到火车站。 He guided the man through the streets to the railway station.
学生们手牵手站成一排。 Students stand hand in hand in a row.
车站到我家只有几步路的路程。 The station is a short walk from my house
他们站在那,互相怒视着对方。 They stood there, glaring at each other.
他站在门口, 堵住通向大厅的路. He stood framed in the doorway to the hall.
乘客们拥挤在火车站上等候乘车。 Passengers thronged the station waiting for their trains.
墙上有一幅武士站在战车上的画。 There is a picture of a fighter standing on a chariot on the wall.
开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开出。 The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.
他肯定是喝多了,当他要站起来时,却摔倒在地上。 He must have drunk too much; when he tried to stand up, he keeled over.
我在会上真出了洋相了--一站起来就把问题忘了. I made a real ass of myself at the meeting standing up and then forgetting the question.
因为我的愚蠢,我不得不站起来听他的批评。 I have to stand up listening to his criticism of my foolishness.
要是站起来, 能把独木舟弄翻. If you stand up you'll overbalance the canoe.
我可以搭乘你的便车到车站吗? Can I hitch a lift with you as far as the station?
你看到火车站对面的房子了吗? Have you seen the house opposite the railway station?
你能告诉我去火车站最近的路吗? Can you tell me the nearest way to the railway station?
我们去车站为她送行。 We went to the station to see her off.
她站得不太稳. She's not very steady on her pins.
我站在那里,害怕得直发抖。 I stood there quaking with fear.
他站在那里,双手插在口袋里。 He stood there with his hands in his pockets.
突然他鼓起全身的劲,站了起来。 Suddenly, gathering all his strength, he stood up.
一提到他的名字,他立即站了起来。 At the mention of his name, he instantly stood up.
当我们快到车站时,火车减慢了速度。 The train slackened speed as we approached the station.
我们很早就动身去车站以便赶上头班火车。 We left for the station so early as to catch the first train.
运费中不包括火车站至轮船码头之间的运输费用。 Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.
他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖. He stood shivering on the brink, waiting to dive in.
请站到一边,你的影子计划遮住了他的活儿。 Please stand to one side, you're casting your shadow over his work.
把路上的耽搁算进去, 你要用半小时才能到车站. It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.
首先,我站在一个热闹的角落,仅仅是看着人们,试图以审视他们来理解他们生活的某些东西。 First, I stand at a busy corner, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their live.
往後站, 让队伍通过. Stand back to allow the procession to pass.
对不起打扰一下, 请问去车站怎麽走? I'm sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to the station?
路的前方有一个公共汽车站. There's a bus-stop down the road
我们建立更多的水力发电站,这是重要的。 It is important that we build more hydroelectric power stations.
站在那儿的那个人就是我们一直在谈论的那个人。 The man standing over there is the very man that we have been talking about.
站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。 Standing by him was a model worker.
当一行人到达月台上时,火车正从车站开出。 The train was pulled out as the party arrived on the platform.
人们涌出了车站. People were streaming out of the station.
火车缓缓地进站。 The train slowly came to the station.
看守在深夜仍在站岗。 The guards are still on watch at midnight.
他们站立在她的墓的周围向她默哀. They stood in silent homage round her grave.
港口附近的兵站被敌人炸毁了。 The depot near the harbor was bombed by the enemy.
那姑娘站在门前的台阶上冷得直打哆嗦。 The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep.
突击队员在敌后来了一个突然袭击。摧毁了雷达站。 The commandos made a lightning strike behind enemy lines and destroyed the radar station.
唉!可怜的公爵!他担负的工作简直是数沙饮海;一个人站在他一边作战,就有1000人转身逃走。 Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry: Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly.
站不住脚的假设 An indefensible assumption.
我站着展望湖面。 I stand looking over the lake.
他站起身给自己又倒了点咖啡。 He got up and helped himself to more coffee.
她虚弱得站不起来. She was too weak to stand.
在雷雨期间不要站在树下。 Don't stand under a tree during a thunderstorm.
六点钟我们站好队准备操练。 At six we were fallen in for drill.
我刚站起身,他就挥手让我坐着。 I had no sooner stood up than he waved me to remain sitting.
他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。 He gave a lame excuse for being absent.
那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了. The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.
这座发电站的燃料是通过公路运送的. The power station is serviced (ie Fuel is delivered to it) by road transport.
平常的地下火车接近车站时,发出的声音可能是最大声的喷射机的两倍。 An ordinary subway train, approaching the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest jet.
那个战士自告奋勇去站岗。 The soldier volunteered for guard duty.
哨站,岗位如卫兵或哨兵的指派的站岗位置 An assigned position or station, as of a guard or sentry.
他恭恭敬敬地站在老师面前。 He was standing hat in hand before his teacher.
我们的男主人远远看到有个外表不俗的绅士站在大厅的尽头。 Our host descried a gentleman of unusual appearance standing at the far end of the hall.
在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。 In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
去地铁站从这儿走,对吗? Be this right for the subway station?
正在建造的核电站预计在五年後投产. The nuclear plant now being built is expected to be commissioned in five years' time.
国外游客都想访问一下缆车的终点站——渔民之埠。 Fisherman's Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see, is at the end of the ride.
珍妮站在他面前,脸色苍白,略微有些颤动,一言不发。 Jennie stood before him, pale, trembling a little, and silent.
由控制装置(群集控制器)和与它相连的终端组成的一种站。 A station that consists of a control unit(cluster controller) and the terminals attached to it.
计算机或某个工作站为获得线路控制权以进行数据传输的一种企图。参阅BID。 An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data.
下次再到一个需要使Shockwave的网站时,Shockwave控制程序就会自动装载并播放电影。 The next time you go to a"Shocked" website, the Shockwave control loads and plays the movie.
与电子业有关的另一项新发展是电子“中间站”的出现,这种中间站正开始在全国各地涌现出来。 Another development related to the electronic cottage is the emergence of electronic" halfway houses" which are beginning to crop up across the country.
据说惊人的大量有毒物质正堆在英国最大的化学物品废品站里……当地政府……对……堆在它门口的垃圾理所当然地感到忧虑。 A frightening brew of poisonous waste is said to be accumulating in Britain's biggest chemical dump… The local authority… is rightly worried about the… tip on its doorstep.
一种安全设备(通常是终端的一部分),它可以读取插入槽中的标记卡上的信息(这些信息往往以磁条码的形式记录在标记卡上)。用这种办法,在允许操作员进入系统前,可以防止对一个显示工作站的非法使用。参阅badge。 A security device(often part of a terminal) that reads information(often from a magnetic strip) on a badge inserted in a slot. In this way, it can prevent the unauthorized use of a display station before allowing an operator to sign on.