一些人反对说,新税法不公平。 Some people objected that the new tax law was unfair.
新的税收制度将于明年实行。 A new system of taxation will be brought into effect next year.
海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。 The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.
他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。 They called for a radical reform of our tax system.
你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部分税金。 You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.
税务法非常复杂,只有专家才能解释清楚。 The tax laws are so complicated that only an expert can provide enlightenment.
抵押款提高了,其中一部分可由免税额增加而抵消。 Higher mortgage rates are partly offset by increased tax allowances.
这艘船的停泊税一年是五千美元. The vessel tax of anchorage is 5,000 dollars per year.
各反对党指责修建新机场是浪费纳税人的金钱。 The opposition parties have condemned the new airport as a waste of taxpayers' money.
作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。 The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book.
鉴于税务原因,我们得组成公司。 We had to incorporate for a company for tax reasons.
进出口的高关税是国际贸易的障碍。 Heavy duties on imports and exports are a barrier to international trade.
他们希望税捐略微减少。 They are hoping for a small diminution in taxes.
携带的免税酒不得超过八升。 You are restricted to eight liters of duty-free wine.
将某人的收入分至四年从而使税赋降至最小程度 Average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.
这个问题是否从纳税人的立场上考虑过? Has the matter been viewed from the taxpayers' standpoint?
许多新税收都是有争议的。 Many of the new taxes are controversial.
我们如果要增加教育经费就必须加税。 We must increase taxation if we are to spend more on education.
希望降低税率这一措施能刺激经济进一步增长. It is hoped the tax cuts will act as a stimulant to further economic growth.
纳税诚实不吃亏. It pays to be honest with the taxman.
这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。 The senate was censured for income tax evasion.
警方在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团. Police investigating tax fraud stumbledacross a drugs ring.
人们期望财政大臣公布在本年度预算中削减税收。 The Chancellor of the Exchequer is expected to announce tax cuts in this year's budget.
时髦花样的变迁,是穷人的辛勤对有钱人的虚荣征收的税款。 Change in fashion is the tax which the industry of the poor levi on the vanity of the rich.
你税后的工资是多少? What are your earnings after tax?
总统否决了削减税收的议案. The President vetoed the tax cuts.
市民的情绪是赞成减税。 Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax.
税收使英国各阶层均感压迫。 Taxation bears heavily on all classes in Britain.
总统上个星期否决了减税法案。 The president last week vetoed the tax cut.
当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。 The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud.
渡船上有个挺不错的免税商店. There's a good duty-free shop (ie one selling such goods) on the ferry.
增加税收归结起来将造成很多困难. The tax increases will, in the aggregate, cause much hardship.
政府决定对进口汽车征收保护税。 The government decided to impose a protective tariff on foreign cars.
税率低而政府支出大, 结果出现预算赤字. Tax was low and state spending was high, resulting in a budget deficit.
不扣除的不扣除的,尤指为所得税的目的而不扣除的 Not deductible, especially for income-tax purposes.
这一税收制度一旦施行,必定会危害国民经济。 This tax can not be introduced without detriment to the economy.
在国会里,地方税收问题似乎又成了引人注意的问题。 The question of local taxation seems to come again to the front in the Congress.
由于海关征收繁重的紧急关税,使得我们处于极其困难的境地。 The imposition of heavy emergency custom duties have render our position exceedingly difficult.
增税引起了一片怨声。 There was uproar over the tax increase.
这些房子是免付捐税的。 These houses are exempt from paying rates.
不缴纳税款就可能被起诉. Failureto pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
不缴纳税款就可能被起诉。 Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
进贡的义务支付贡金或缴纳贡税的义务 The obligation to make such a payment.
解放前,各种捐税沉重地压在人民身上。 Before liberation, taxes weighed heavily upon the people.
所得税比黄金把更多的美国人造成了说谎者。 The income tax have make more liar out of the american people than gold have.
你有什麽要申报纳税的吗? Have you anything to declare?
税务局:这里是涉外分局。 Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau.
他的收入有多少需纳所得税? What percentage of his income is taxable?
税务局负责徵收所得税. The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.
除酒之外, 烟草在多数国家都要徵税. Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.
单身养老金领取者的征税起点是450美元。 The tax threshold for a single pensioner is 450 dollars.
纳税人:如果双方组建合资企业是否有利呐? Taxpayer: what will happen if the two companies establish equity joint venture?
参议院编写税法的人对众议院的提案,迟疑不愿同意,因为他们顾虑这仅是帐篷底下一只骆驼的鼻子。 Senate tax writers were hesitant to agree to the House proposal because of concerns that it represented the camel's nose under the tent.