他有点神经质,但他的妻子是一个非常稳重的人。 He is a bit neurotic, but his wife is a very stable person.
麻疯病是一种影响皮肤和神经的疾病。 Leprosy is a kind of disease affecting the skin and nerves.
神经病神经系统的疾病或异常状态下的神经系统 A disease or an abnormality of the nervous system.
街上的噪音使她神经紧张。 Her nerves were frayed by the noises in the street.
这麽紧张, 我的神经快吃不消了. My nerves won't stand the strain much longer.
你吃了这片药神经就不那麽紧张了。 This pill will help to settle your nerves.
天热的时候人就容易神经紧张[脾气急躁]. Nerves/Tempers began to fray in the heat.
神经外科学神经系统中任何部分的外科学 Surgery on any part of the nervous system.
人类通过自动化扩展了人类神经系统的功能思维和决断的才能。 He extends his nervous system and his thinking and decision-making faculties through automation.
她患神经衰弱. She suffered a nervous breakdown.
战栗不由自主地颤动或抖动,如由于神经或虚弱等原因 An involuntary trembling or quivering, as from nervous agitation or weakness.
据报道说这种疾病破坏中枢神经系统。 It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system.
神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲劳乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的 A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
得到她丈夫的死讯, 她神经错乱了。 At the news of her husband's death, she went to pieces.
习惯性行为一种固定的行动模式,能引起神经失常或造成人格 A pattern of behavior constituting a mental disorder or personality type.
耳毒性的对耳结构有毒害影响的,尤指对耳神经感觉 Having a toxic effect on the structures of the ear, especially on its nerve supply.
酒精中毒由过量及习惯性饮酒而造成的一种慢性渐进的病理状况,主要影响神经及消化系统 A chronic, progressive pathological condition, mainly affecting the nervous and digestive systems, caused by the excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol.